
Study Finds Balanced Diet with Meat Better for Brain Health than Vegetarian Diet

Research has shown that a balanced diet is good for brain health. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Research has shown that a balanced diet containing meat is better for brain health than a vegetarian diet. This was reported by 9 Medical News Today based on the results of research published in the international academic journal “Nature […]

The Importance of Overall Dietary Management for Managing Cholesterol Levels

Overall dietary management is more important than the vegetarian diet for cholesterol. Posted on 03/10/2024 at 9.48pm Posted on 03/10/2024 at 9.48pm Views 93 Cakes, bread, biscuits, etc., as well as palm oil among vegetable cooking oils, also increase cholesterol levels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]# Mr Kim, a vegetarian in his 30s, was surprised to be told he […]

Fasting Mimicking Diet: Reducing Disease Risk and Rejuvenating Cells

“Method that imitates fasting”, which makes the body recognize that it is fasting… lowering the biological age by 2.5 years Posted on 21.02.2024 18:03 Posted on 21.02.2024 18:03 Modified on 21.02.2024 17:23 Views 6 The results showed that a fasting-like diet conducted once or twice increased the health and longevity of rats consuming a normal […]

8 Essential Elements for a Healthy Life

Introducing a checklist for healthy living. /Shutterstock As we enter a rapidly aging society, living a “healthy” life has become as important as living a long life. However, surprisingly, there are cases where people manage their health the wrong way. Making a list of the right ways to live a healthy life and always practicing […]

The Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism for People with Health Conditions

It’s okay to try it if you suffer from obesity and diabetes, an adult disease… Elderly and children should avoid Posted on 02.02.2024 at 06.30 Posted on 02.02.2024 at 06.30 Modified on 02.01.2024 at 22.27 Views 135 People with gastrointestinal disorders, weak digestive function and inflammatory bowel disease are advised to avoid vegetarianism. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Nowadays, […]

The Power of Vegetarianism for Weight Loss and Health

[송무호의 비건뉴스] Posted on 01.25.2024 16:00 Posted on 01.25.2024 16:00 Modified on 01.25.2024 09:20 Views 29 [사진=클립아트코리아]People who try to go on a diet are very confused. One side says to reduce carbs, the other says to reduce fat. Indeed, there is no propaganda as silly and unscientific as the claim that “carbohydrates are the […]

Plant-Based Diet Linked to Lower Risk of COVID-19: Brazilian Research Group

Brazilian research group: “Possibility of protective effect from ingredients such as vegetables, legumes and dried fruit” One study showed that people who eat a plant-based or vegetarian diet have a 39% lower risk of contracting COVID-19 (novel coronavirus infection) than people who eat an omnivorous diet that includes meat. On the 10th, Professor Giulio Cesar […]

The Pros and Cons of a Carnivorous Diet: Weight Loss and Possible Side Effects

Carnivorous diet that involves eating only meat… Weight loss is possible, but side effects must also be considered. Posted 2024.01.09 11:20 Views 14 Posted 2024.01.09 11:20 Modified 2024.01.09 11:23 Views 14 The story of a woman who ate a stick of butter and 22 eggs a day was introduced. [사진=’뉴욕포스트’ 보도내용 캡처]The story of a […]

Improving Health with Fresh Fruit and Pressed Juice

Published: December 11, 2023, 08:30 AM Last Modified: December 10, 2023, 01:12 AM Views: 22 Fresh fruit plays a critical role in controlling blood sugar levels and improving overall health. However, the timing of fruit consumption is key. When consumed on an empty stomach, fruits aid in detoxification and liver function improvement. On the other […]

Health Network》Blood lipids still exceed the standard after changing to a vegetarian diet?Nutritionist: Pay attention to fried foods and heavy flavors – Free Health Network

Nutritionists say that in order to enhance the flavor of ingredients, vegetarian cuisine often uses deep-fried food or heavy seasonings, which affects blood fat; diagram. (File photo) Shen Lixin/Review Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]A patient with hyperlipidemia gave up seafood and meat and switched to a vegetarian diet in order to control cholesterol, but his blood […]