
How to Extend Your Healthy Life: Resting in Nature, Digital Detox, and Fermented Foods

Lifestyle Habits That Promote a Longer, Healthier Life By [Author Name] In order to increase our chances of living a longer and healthier life, it is important to focus on reducing stress levels, maintaining stable blood sugar levels, and prioritizing heart health. Despite the fact that the average life expectancy in Korea has significantly increased […]

Childhood Trauma Linked to Increased Risk of Headaches in Adulthood: Study

Childhood trauma has been identified as a significant contributing factor to the development of headaches in adulthood, according to a recent study. Individuals who experience sudden or unexplained headaches are encouraged to consider the possibility that childhood trauma may be a root cause. The research, conducted by an American health media outlet called HealthDay, found […]

The Mediterranean Diet: Alleviating PTSD Symptoms Through the Power of Gut Microbiome

Study Shows Mediterranean Diet Can Help Alleviate Symptoms of PTSD In a recent study published in Nature Mental Health, researchers have found evidence that following a Mediterranean diet may provide relief from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Health Day, a prominent health and medicine web magazine, reported on the study’s findings, highlighting the potential […]

Debunking 4 Common Myths About STDs

Debunking Four Common Myths About STDs Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) remain a significant health concern in modern society, yet due to the sensitivity surrounding these infections, they often go undiscussed. This lack of dialogue has given rise to several misunderstandings and myths about STDs. These misconceptions can be harmful, as they may lead to incorrect […]

The Importance of Understanding and Treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Professor Shim Bong-seok from the Department of Urology at Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital is continuing his discussion on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigations were conducted to determine the route of infection for confirmed cases. However, the transmission of common infectious diseases such as the common cold, […]

The Importance of Recognizing and Treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: An Ongoing Concern By Professor Shim Bong-seok, Department of Urology, Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital Continuing from our previous discussion, I would like to delve further into the topic of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). These infections have remained a cause for concern, especially in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. During the […]

What tests should I take if I suspect I have an STD? [건강톡톡]

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as sexually transmitted infections or STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), are relatively common. It is an infection that is usually, but not necessarily, transmitted through sexual contact from person to person. STIs are often suspected based on symptoms, so we looked into the details of the tests that can be […]

Mouth/Anus… Can you get a sexually transmitted disease like this? [한 장으로 보는 건강]

Today’s Money Reporter Jeong Shim-gyo, Design Reporter Lim Jong-cheol | 2023.05.07 10:50 The correct name for the disease commonly referred to as ‘sexually transmitted disease’ is sexually transmitted infection. This is because germs and viruses that cause disease are spread through sexual contact. The Korean government designates and monitors infectious diseases with high incidence but […]