
Developers Get Sneak Peek with Beta 2 of iOS/iPadOS 17.1 and watchOS 10.1

Beta 2 versions of iOS/iPadOS 17.1 and watchOS 10.1 are now at developers’ disposal, according to Gorimy. This exciting update brings a plethora of new features and improvements to Apple’s operating systems. Developers can now take advantage of these beta versions to test their apps and ensure compatibility with the upcoming official release. With iOS/iPadOS […]

Apple Releases watchOS 10: Major UI Change and Exciting New Features

New watchOS 10 Released by Apple On September 19th, Apple made an official announcement regarding the release of watchOS 10. This marks the first major overhaul of the user interface for the Apple Watch since its initial launch, with a focus on improving widgets. Users can now expect an increase in the amount of information […]