
China Declares ‘Whooping Cough is Back’ – Health Authorities Take Action

[일요신문] As whooping cough is starting to spread in China, health authorities have begun preparing countermeasures. China’s National Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control has officially declared that “whooping cough is back” and that it will take proactive measures to prevent and control it. This is the lobby of a hospital in China and is […]

The Resurgence of Whooping Cough in Europe: Causes and Concerns

Recently, whooping cough has become prevalent in Europe. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Politico reported on the 7th (local time) that the respiratory disease, whooping cough, is becoming more widespread in Europe for the first time in hundreds of years. The whooping cough epidemic is particularly severe in the Czech Republic, Croatia and the Netherlands. The […]

How to protect yourself from whooping cough – what to do, symptoms of the disease

Whooping cough is a bacterial infectious disease that occurs as prolonged bronchitis with severe coughing attacks. The disease is highly contagious and can spread quickly among people. Most often, children and adolescents get whooping cough, but sometimes adults can also become infected. Specialists from the Public Health Center (PHC) told how to recognize the disease […]

Government Urging Parents to Vaccinate Children Against Measles and Whooping Cough for Free

“Kenika” reveals that the government is worried about “measles” and whooping cough in children, pointing out that fewer children are receiving basic vaccinations. Invite parents to bring their children to receive the vaccine free of charge. Helps strengthen immunity On March 14, 2024, Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson of the Prime Minister’s Office, said that […]

The Dangers of Honey in Children Under 1 Year Old

Key point : ‘Honey’ Food that comes from nature has many properties, which many people consider food that comes from nature. They are often useful and harmless. But did you know that “honey” is toxic to children? Especially in children younger than 1 year, it can cause infant botulism, serious illness and even death. However, […]

NHSO Budget Approved for Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Purchase

NHSO approves a budget of 153 million for the purchase of the Hfocus acellular pertussis vaccine. NHSO has set aside a budget of 153 million to buy the first batch of 400,000 doses of acellular whooping cough vaccine after applying for a golden patent to inject pregnant women. Launch of campaign to suppress “whooping cough”, […]

Boosting Immunity with Vitamin B: A Key Ingredient for Better Health and Protection

These days I hear coughing very often. This is because the number of flu patients is the highest in five years and several respiratory infectious diseases such as mycoplasma pneumonia, whooping cough and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection are spreading at the same time, especially among children and teenagers. Concerns about a resurgence of Covid-19 […]