
Exploring the Best Countries for Work-Life Balance: A Guide for International Workers

migrate toworkForeign Affairs happens to workers all over the world. For various reasons, be it a higher Minimum wage than the home country, shelter from disturbances, liking and interest in the culture of the destination country or even side reasons Work-Life Balance or work-life balance Especially the last reason. It is considered an important reason […]

Are We Suffering from Burnout or Just Being Lazy? Examining the Fine Line

We are actually “burned out” or “just lazy.” In a moment the year 2023 will end and we will enter the period.New Year 2024 Now, everywhere you turn, there seems to be an atmosphere that makes you lazy. Especially if after a long holiday. There was no enthusiasm or desire to return to work. Even […]

The Rise of “Quiet Quitting” and New Ways of Working Overseas

New Work Style Trends Abroad: A Perspective from UK Resident Mayumi Tanimoto As work style reforms continue to unfold in Japan, it’s worth noting that new ways of working are also catching the eye of those residing overseas. Mayumi Tanimoto, a writer based in the UK, observes that many young people today are satisfied as […]