
[단독] Coupang worker who died who said ‘work intensity was low’… “35,000 steps a day”

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Regarding the employee in his 50s who died while working at the Coupang logistics center a while ago, Coupang explained, “The work intensity is low because the deceased is in charge of computerized education.”

Contrary to the company’s claims, however, the circumstances of excessive physical labor are contained in the deceased’s cell phone.

Correspondent Kim Sang-hoon reported exclusively.

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Noh Mo, who collapsed and died at the Dongtan Logistics Center in Coupang, Gyeonggi-do, one day before Christmas last year.

When Mr. Noh’s boss instructs him to stack things by date via messenger, Mr. Noh replies that he is going to pick up ‘Jockey’.

Noh, a 53-year-old woman, does the job of organizing things with a ‘jockey’, or iron wagon.

Another day, my boss instructs me to register urgent quantities electronically and says, “Be careful as there are heavy weights.”

[민병조/쿠팡 동탄센터 노동자]

“You only do this in this field, so it’s not that you don’t do it this way. So, you do a lot of different things. Actually…”

In Noh’s cell phone pedometer app, it is recorded that he walked 35,700 steps on October 19, last year.

The number of steps taken over 20 kilometers.

On other days, 34,000 steps, 29,000 steps…

It is significantly different from the record of a rest day of walking thousands of steps at most.

It was like walking around a wide warehouse all day to enter the information of the delivery box.

Coupang has been claiming that “the deceased was in charge of training new employees with low intensity and worked only 33 hours a week.”

[이철갑/조선대학교병원 직업환경의학과 교수]

“It will be more than 16-20 km. I can’t understand that the average working time was 33 hours. There was something wrong with the time calculation…”

Even on the day of his collapse, Mr. Noh walked more than 13,000 steps or 10 km in just 3 hours to work.

Coupang, who had said “there was no physical work at all,” suddenly changed the word to “the deceased voluntarily applied for the incidental task of moving light objects on a wagon.”

Still, he did not bend the assertion that “the intensity of work was not high”.

[노은숙/숨진 노 씨 언니]

“My friend, who weighed 48-9kg, lost 43kg in the end (in 6 months). He said that he was going to die because it was too hard, every time.”

This is Kim Sang-hoon from MBC News.

Video coverage: Kim Kyung-bae / Video editing: Kim Jin-woo

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