
[기고] Get rid of fat… How to keep a food diary to manage obesity

Director Son Bo-ri / Photo provided by 365mc Rams Special Center

Vacation season is already two months away. Many people dream of S-line and bikini swimsuits and sweat a lot to succeed on a diet, but unfortunately, not everyone can create a solid belly and forearms and smooth thigh lines.

In such a case, it is better to throw away greed and impatience and plan a diet strategy with the goal of losing 3-4 kg per month.

The biggest enemy of diet is mannerism. No matter how effective a diet method is, if it is continued for a long time, the efficiency against time is bound to decrease, and the motivation and persistence are reduced due to boredom. Obesity clinic recommends that you tweak the method a little to increase the sustainability of your diet.

It is possible to replace the calorie diary you normally use with an ingredient diary. When it comes to weight loss, it is the composition of the food rather than the calories that is important. If you eat only 1000 kcal of carbohydrates per day, the calorie intake itself is not much, so you can lose weight temporarily. However, in this case, the nutrients in the body become imbalanced and excess glucose is converted into fat, resulting in an increase in body fat.

Therefore, rather than writing down the total calories of food unconditionally, checking the content of nutrients such as sugar, fat, protein, and sodium constituting food is a shortcut for diet success.

If you are accustomed to keeping an ingredient journal, it is recommended to maintain a high-protein, low-carb diet based on this.

Just because protein is good, you should avoid consuming large amounts of protein at one meal. This is because the human body can only absorb 20 to 30 g of protein at a time, so it is meaningless to consume more than that.

Here, instead of white rice, rice with mixed grains such as brown rice can be served, making it possible to manage the diet more effectively. Another way is to use brown rice, barley, black rice, etc. as a salad topping instead of cooking it like rice.

You should also pay attention to your micronutrient intake. This is because obesity these days is often caused by a lack of certain nutrients due to not only excess calories but also irregular eating habits.

Micronutrients require much less than macronutrients, but are indispensable for human life maintenance and metabolism. In addition, although it is a very small amount, it is not synthesized in the body, so it must be ingested from outside.

When micronutrients are insufficient, the immune system is shaken and the body’s inflammatory response is activated. Representative micronutrients include vitamins, zinc, and selenium.

It is estimated that as many as 2 billion people worldwide are suffering from micronutrient deficiency.

Director Son Bo-ri of 365mc Rams Special Center said, “If it is difficult to lose weight through your own efforts, one way is to visit an obesity clinic and conduct obesity treatment such as liposuction and follow-up care such as exercise.” It takes as little as two weeks or as long as a month for it to fall out, so it is better to take the time to decide on surgery.” advised