
[단독] Kim Gun-hee’s ‘roots of career’ Sook University master’s thesis accused of plagiarism


Today (27th), the newsroom raises the suspicion of plagiarism of Kim Kun-hee. These are things that have not been known in detail until now. Kim received her master’s degree in art education from Sookmyung Women’s University Graduate School of Education in 1999. We verified the very thesis submitted at that time with experts from various angles. As a result, the plagiarism rate was 42%, far exceeding the standard, and 43 out of a total of 48 pages were left with traces of suspicion of plagiarism. Kim is walking the path of an art educator and an art expert. Regarding this thesis, which was a great help, one professor said that he copied too much even if he really copied it.

The first news, PD Oh Seung-ryeol reports.


Pictures created by intersecting lines and dots that are difficult to understand.

Early 20th century German painter Paul Klee.

Together with Kandinsky, he is called the father of modern abstraction.

The foul had a great influence on later generations as well.

Whanki Kim, who is considered the first generation of abstract painting in Korea, is one of them.

Kun-hee Kim also chose Paul Klee in 1999 while attending Sookmyung Women’s University Graduate School of Education.

An analysis of his work as a master’s thesis.

At this time, the master’s degree obtained became the basis for a career as a teaching student and a university lecturer.

The reporters analyzed Kim’s master’s thesis with a plagiarism verification program.

The plagiarism rate, which indicates how similar to other papers, is 10%.

Currently, the standard for plagiarism is around 20%, so there seems to be no problem.

However, during the interview, I found 4 books and papers on Paul Klee that Kim did not record in the bibliography.

All of them were from the 80’s and 90’s.

I made these files myself and added them to the list of materials to compare with Kim’s thesis.

Then the plagiarism rate soared to 42%.

This time, only sentences that have been copied more than 6 words in a row are displayed.

A case of plagiarism is seen on page 43 out of a total of 48 pages.

Out of the total 382 sentences, about 250 sentences are the same or similar.

Depending on the content, the material imitated was also different.

First, the ‘periodic background’ of Paul Klee’s work.

It’s almost the same with Rosemary Lambert’s ‘Twentieth Century Art History’, up to Tossi.

In the pictorial background section, the translation of Paul Klee’s work from 1995 has been moved paragraph by paragraph.

In many places, it is difficult to believe that the source was not cited by mistake, such as duplicating the same quotation in two consecutive chapters.

A detailed analysis was commissioned by experts from the Research Ethics Council.

[현명호/중앙대 교수 : 논문 자체가 상당히 많은 부분을 갖다가 그대로 카피를 해서 여기다 이제 옮겨온 부분들, 이런 것들이 너무 많거든요?]

It is pointed out that even considering the circumstances of the era when research ethics were weak in 1999, it was too much of a copy.

[현명호/중앙대 교수 : 그 당시 상황을 봐서 우리가 좀 이해를 해줄 수 있는 부분도 있겠죠. 그런데 이 논문에서는 새롭게 주장하고 있는 바랄까, 이분이 독창적으로 얘기하고 있는 바가 뚜렷하게 보이지는 않습니다.]

Regardless of whether it is plagiarism or not, there is no original point of view from the author.

The reporters delivered the verification result to Kim Kun-hee and asked for an explanation of the plagiarism allegation, but did not receive an answer.

(VJ: Jang Ji-hoon and Kim Min-jae)

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Yoon Seok-yeol, an official from the camp, said, “Since the current plagiarism standards were applied to the 1999 thesis, we will make a statement after additional confirmation.”