
[속보] Election Commission, “emergency committee convened tomorrow at 10 am” due to confusion in advance voting

Park Chan-jin, deputy secretary general of the National Election Commission, said on the 6th, “We will humbly accept various criticisms raised during the early voting process.”

Deputy Director Kim made this statement at the National Election Commission’s current issue report held at the National Assembly on the day of the controversy over the lack of advance voting. The event was attended by Seo Young-gyo, chairman of the Public Administration and Security Committee, Baek Hye-ryun and Lee Hae-sik of the Democratic Party, and Park Wan-su and Lee Young of the People’s Power.

Deputy Director Kim said, “I 100% accept what the lawmakers said today.” “It’s a little late, but the Central Election Commission once again listened to the opinions of city and provincial committees and collected them, and made two proposals (related to voting for confirmed and quarantined people). An emergency committee was convened tomorrow at 10 o’clock,” he said.

He continued, “Once a decision is made on how to find the best solution, we will inform the public of the decision in detail and inform the frontline voting staff,” he said. emphasized.

[최현주 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]