
[속보]Airborne Service retry search and seizure of Kim Woong’s office

Crime Investigation Office for Senior Officials (Public Investigation Office). photo co-op foundation

On the 13th, the high-ranking public officials’ crime investigation office (Public Investigation Office), which is investigating the so-called ‘indictment of accusation’, tried again on the 13th to seize and search the office of Kim Woong People’s Power. It has been three days since an attempt to search and seize the parliamentarian’s office on the 10th was unsuccessful.

The 3rd Investigation Department of the Ministry of Airborne Affairs (Chief Prosecutor Choi Seok-gyu) announced that the search and seizure began at 2 pm on the same day in the office of Congressman Kim at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul. The Airborne Service seems to be trying to secure data such as the PC of the aide that was not seized and searched last time.

On the 10th, the Ministry of Airborne Affairs conducted a search and seizure of the homes and offices of the former Supreme Prosecutor’s Office Investigation and Information Policy Officers (Daegu High Prosecutor’s Office Human Rights Protection Officer) and Rep. The Ministry of Airborne Affairs is said to have secured some data, including cell phones of Rep. Kim and former policy officer Sohn.

However, the Airborne Service failed to seize and search Rep. Kim’s office due to opposition from the People’s Power. The People’s Power side was not properly notified of the search and seizure by the Air Airborne Service, and the Ministry of Airlift and Aircraft had nothing to do with the suspicion of ‘indictment’ on the PC. They claimed that the search and seizure was illegal, saying that they searched by entering the keyword of

The Ministry of Air Transport issued a position the day before and said, “The input keyword ‘Ohsu’ is the name of Deutsche Motors Chairman Kwon Oh-su, not Prosecutor General Kim Oh-su. They all appear in the two complaints that were partially disclosed through the media or secured by the Ministry of Air Transport and the Facebook captured photos attached as evidence,” he said.

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