
[속보]Investigation begins with the search and seizure of the office of Rep. Kim Woong, ‘suspicion of accusation’

At the National Assembly Communication Center in Yeouido, Seoul, on the 8th, Rep. Kim Woong of People’s Strength responded to a reporter’s question after a press conference related to the so-called ‘accusers’ that he had been handed over a letter of accusation about passport personnel from a prosecutor close to Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol at the time of the last year’s general election. are answering Parliamentary photojournalists

On the 10th, the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office launched an investigation into the allegations of accusation by Yoon Seok-yeol.

On the morning of the same day, the Airborne Service sent prosecutors and investigators to the office of Kim Woong, the People’s Power, in the National Assembly Building.

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