
[속보]Nak-yeon Lee announces resignation as a member of parliament

On the 8th, Lee Nak-yeon, former leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, announced that he would resign as a member of the National Assembly.

Former representative Lee held a press conference at the Gwangju Metropolitan City Council on the same day and said, “I decided to give up my position as a member of the National Assembly and start re-creating the government in order to protect the values ​​of the Democratic Party and the values ​​of democracy. And I will repay the debt I owe to the Republic of Korea.”

“We must present a candidate who is not ashamed of the May 18 Heroic Spirit,” he said.

Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Nak-yeon receives questions from reporters after visiting the tomb of former President Kim Dae-jung at the Seoul National Cemetery in Dongjak-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 7th. Parliamentary photojournalists

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