
[종합] ‘Bout with God’ Insect manager Yoon Taek → Small winged girl… Lee Seung-yoon in charge of monster food → Raw elk

The food story of Yoon Taek, who is in charge of bugs and Seungyoon Lee, who is in charge of bizarre food has been revealed.

In MBN’s ‘Fight with God’ broadcast on the 6th, Yoon Taek and Lee Seung-yoon of ‘I am a natural person’ (hereafter a natural person) appeared. On this day, the story of the food that Yoon Taek in charge of bugs and Seungyoon Lee in charge of bizarre food ate at ‘Natural People’ was revealed.

On this day, Yoon Taek brought the wasp larvae he ate in the first episode of ‘Natural Man’ and recommended it to the cast.

Gura Kim said, “It tastes like meat. It’s softer than a pupa, and tastes like chicken breast.” Heo Kyung-hwan, who was disgusted at first, said, “If you close your eyes, you can eat deliciously.”

However, Yoon Taek, in charge of bugs, also had terrible bugs, so he was a small-winged girl.

A natural person said, “If you don’t have enough protein, eat a few of these.”

At first, Yoon-taek, who was terrified, ate an insect while singing, “It tastes like a pupae” and “My hands go, my hands go.”

Yoon Taek revealed that a doctor acquaintance called Yoon Taek right after the broadcast and said that he received a worrying phone call saying, “There is a love story with a goblin.”

However, according to an entomologist, the bug turned out to be a small-winged nymph. When the MCs responded, “It’s still good,” Yoon Taek said, “The problem is that there are more romantic poems in small-winged girls.” However, Yoon Taek added, “Fortunately, if you chew it and go into the stomach, there will be no problems.”

Meanwhile, Seungyoon Lee brought up the story of eating elk liver. He said, “I ate fish head curry, so I wondered if there was anything worse.” Then, he said, “I went up the mountain and the elk was dead. (A natural person) lifted the elk’s foot, lifted a sickle, dismantled the elk and gave him to eat the liver of the elk.”

Prior to this, Seungyoon Lee revealed the story behind the birth of the legendary salty fish head curry.

Seungyoon Lee said, “When you get cast for the first episode, you can go to the mountains and listen to the stories of the people who live there, eat and live.”

Seungyoon Lee then explained that it was a difficult offer to refuse as it had only been a few years since his debut.

In that way, there was an ‘all-nude natural man’ wearing nothing in the mountain I went to. The food offered by the natural man was a curry made with rotten production heads.

Seungyoon Lee said, “It was recommended by an elderly person, so I couldn’t refuse.”

Seungyoon Lee protested to the PD, but the PD dissuaded him, saying, “There is no one else to do but Mr. Seungyoon.”

Seungyoon Lee thanked him, saying, “As a result, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be who I am today.”

Seungyoon Lee announced his departure after the first episode. In response, the PD once again asked, “There is no one else to do but Mr. Seungyoon,” so Lee Seung-yoon was filmed for the second time.

At this time, it was announced that the first viewer rating of ‘Natural Man’ exceeded 1%, which is ‘Jackpot’ based on the general programming channel, and Seungyoon Lee decided to continue appearing.

When asked by the MCs whether to eat bugs or monster food, Seungyoon Lee said, “I still remember the taste of fish heads sometimes. I have dreams of fish heads looking at me.”

Meanwhile, the number of reruns beyond the imagination of ‘natural people’ was also revealed.

According to the investigation by the production team of ‘God and the Battle’, ‘Natural Man’ was broadcast 391 times a week, including reruns, and shocked the audience.

Seungyoon Lee said, “That’s why people think I’m in the mountains every day,” and made everyone laugh.

Yoon Taek said, “If I wash and turn on the TV, where do ‘natural people’ do it?” He said, “It feels good,” saying, “I feel good” when I turn on the TV.

In addition, the distance traveled by Yoon-taek and Lee Seung-yoon in ‘Natural Person’ was also revealed. If you add up the distance they traveled in the 483 rounds, the total would be 176,561 kilometers, which is equivalent to four and a half laps of the Earth.

On the other hand, there were also rumors that celebrities are fans of ‘natural people’. Yoon Taek revealed the fact that he said, “It’s my dream for Mamamoo’s Hwasa to become like a natural Yoon Taek.”

Following Hwasa, Yoon Taek said that Kang Ho-dong and Lee Kyung-gyu also told Yoon Taek that they were fans of ‘natural people’.

Lee Seung-yoon, who was excited about this, said, “I feel like a celebrity of a celebrity,” attracting the attention of the MCs.

[허건 스타투데이 객원기자]

Photo|MBN broadcast screen capture

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