
6 Ways to Prevent Mild Headaches

Sleep well, lose weight, exercise…

Korean food consisting of rice, soup and side dishes
Eating three meals a day can also help prevent headaches. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Even a mild headache is hard to bear. When you have a headache, your nerves will go suddenly and you can’t do anything. If no specific cause is found during the medical examination, but the headache still occurs, what is the problem? It is said that eating foods rich in magnesium (bananas, brown rice, oysters, corn, etc.) can prevent headaches to some extent … . The American health information media ‘’ has summarized how to prevent headaches.

△ Take three meals a day

If you are busy with work or for various reasons, you can skip meals. However, if you feel hungry, the headache can get worse, so make sure you have a meal and eat it properly.

△ Replenish moisture

Dehydration can make your headache worse. However, you don’t need to drink a lot of water just to stay hydrated. Experts say that eating fruits and vegetables is better because you can get water as well as other nutrients in them.

Refrain from caffeinated drinks

Small amounts of caffeine can sometimes relieve headaches. However, excessive caffeine intake can make headaches worse, so don’t drink more than 2 days a week and taper off gradually.

Get enough sleep

Even an average of six hours of sleep can cause severe headaches more often than those who sleep more. It is important to get enough sleep.

Weight loss

Experts claim that slightly obese people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 have a 35% higher risk of headaches than those with a low BMI. Severely obese people with a BMI of 40 or above have an 80% increased risk of headaches. Therefore, you should try to maintain an appropriate weight.

Escape from inertia

Studies have shown that people who are lazy and inactive are more likely to get headaches than those who exercise hard. If you do aerobic exercise for 2 to 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, you can reduce stress, supply blood to the brain, and live a pleasant life full of endorphins. However, exercise can cause headaches for some people, so you should consult a professional.