
7 benefits of garlic are clear

Garlic is one of the most useful plants. It’s good to cook. It can be used in property medicine clearly Today we have summarized 7 benefits of garlic that can help.

1. Relieve cold symptoms.

from ancient Thai medicine Garlic has been said to have properties to help relieve cold symptoms. Effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It has hot properties to help expand the airway. make breathing easier

In addition, garlic has the effect of reducing inflammation. So we see that people eat garlic. Maybe fresh garlic Garlic tea or supplements

2. Reduce itching due to insect bites.

The oil in garlic can help reduce itching due to insect bites. As a general rule, it is best to crush fresh garlic to make water come out. Then apply a clove of garlic on the spots that are bitten by insects. But these days, there are balms extracted from garlic that are more convenient to use.

3. Solve the problem of hair loss.

The problem that worries many people with hair loss problems. The cause can be from long hair, chemically damaged hair. Garlic can help with this problem because it contains alliline and sulfur to help reduce hair loss problems.

4. Reduce fat, reduce the risk of heart disease.

Alkilin is a substance that reduces blood cholesterol by no more than 10% of total cholesterol in the body. Therefore, it can be said that garlic has a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and coronary heart disease. But it still depends on other factors. The best way is to exercise regularly. Eating a healthy diet together will reduce the risk the most.

5. Reduce distension, colic

Garlic contains substances Gastroenteric effectalcone has the effect of increasing intestinal peristalsis, thereby helping to transport food in the stomach and small intestine. causing the wind Reduce the extravagance of heartburn due to indigestion In addition, when eating fresh garlic, it can help to increase gastric juice and bile as well. By eating garlic to drive wind, use 5-10 cloves of fresh garlic, eat after meals or with meals.

6. Get rid of foot odor

The problem of annoying foot odor, odor, and itching can be solved by soaking your feet in warm water mixed with crushed garlic.

7. Treat ringworm caused by a fungus

Data from the Food Information Center According to the Food Product Research and Development Institute, garlic oil is effective against fungi and bacteria. Therefore, skin diseases such as eczema, ringworm, and garlic can relieve symptoms. by using fresh garlic Cut into thin strips Rub the skin with the ringworm, ringworm twice a day. After that, scrape the skin with a thin, sterile stick. (Soak in 70% alcohol or boil in boiling water for 10-15 minutes) until the skin is pinkish red and then apply the eczema cure. tinea versicolor This will help the medicine to absorb better into the skin.

Although garlic has many benefits, too much of it is bad. There is a restriction on eating garlic or using garlic. For safety, you should always study before eating or consult a doctor first.