
8 symptoms of “Omicron” that are most common in Thailand. Who is involved or is already addicted to it? It’s not difficult to see.

Cough 54%
Sore throat 37%
Fever 29 %
Muscular pain 15%
12% mucus
headache 10%
Difficulty breathing 5%
The smell was reduced by only 2%.
and found that 48% had no symptoms.

byMinistry of Health Emphasize on wearing 2 layers of masks, still able to protect effectively

Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services Reveal the symptoms of infected patientsCovid-19 Omikron From the information gathered both abroad and in the country, the initial symptoms were not different fromcovid-19 symptoms Most of the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections were fever, sore throat and dry cough. The intensity is not as strong as the Delta. Many countries say Fairly less severe than Delta Found some with pneumonia, but not much for treatment in Thailand. give antiviral drugs “Favipiravir” (Favipiravir) within 3 days (24-72 hours) found that the patient’s symptoms improved. and healed