
80 year old mother-in-law suffering from diabetes and stroke and weighing 180 pounds. Rely on 3 fasting methods to get rid of drugs and lose 40 pounds in 3 months |

February 27, 2023 at 17:05

Losing weight is no matter your age, even if you are old, have a stroke, or suffer from diabetes, there are ways to lose weight.

Recently, a Taiwanese nutritionist shared the case that his 88-year-old mother-in-law was suffering from diabetes and weighed 82 kilograms (180.4 pounds). He successfully lost weight and lost weight through 3 fasting methods, and lost 19 kilograms (about 40 pounds) in 3 months. pounds) and no longer need to take diabetes medications. A nutritionist shares 4 secrets to losing weight, even the elderly can try to lose weight with this method.

Suffering from three types of diabetes high body stroke up to 40%

Sunny, a Taiwanese nutritionist, said in the program “Health 2.0” that his mother-in-law not only suffers from diabetes, but also had three strokes. In addition, she has “high three” (high blood sugar, high blood fat, and high blood pressure), which leads to weight loss. At one point, she was as high as 82 kilograms (180.4 pounds), with visceral fat extremely high and body fat as high as 40%. To help her mother-in-law lose weight, nutritionist Sunny devised a fasting method for her to strictly limit her weight.

The mother-in-law managed to reduce her weight from 180.4 pounds to 64 kilograms (140.8 pounds). (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

Use 3 fasting methods to lose weight: 168+1212+1410

Dietician Sunny was worried that her mother-in-law would be overwhelmed by the “168” fasting method because she was old, so she adopted the “1212” fasting method first. The principle of the “1212” fasting method is similar to the “168” fasting method, that is, three meals a day should be eaten within 12 hours, and then no food should be eaten within 12 hours.

After that, he asked his mother-in-law to slowly switch to the “1410” and “168” fasting methods, so that her body could gradually adapt to fasting. Sunny stressed that adopting “168” doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. For example, high calorie foods such as fried chicken and pancakes should be avoided. Even if you are fasting, you should still eat a proportionately balanced diet.

The nutritionist Sunnv noted that the proportion of food intake is also the most vegetables, followed by protein, and the least carbohydrates. (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

fasting to lose weight to reduce carbohydrates

Sunny also noted that the “sugar reduction diet” is an important part of losing weight, that is, reducing the amount of carbohydrates, and other nutrients include a lack of calories, such as protein and fat. For example, he noted that if you originally ate 1 bowl of rice, you should only eat 6 cents per bowl. He explained that if you eat too many carbohydrates, your blood sugar will fluctuate a lot and you will feel hungry easily. Therefore, when eating every day, you can eat in this ratio: vegetables are the most, protein is the second, and carbohydrates are the least.

4 tips for the elderly to lose weight

Dietitian Sunny shared 4 tips for seniors to lose weight:

1. Step by step: When fasting, do not adopt radical methods all at once, but proceed step by step to allow the body to adapt slowly. It is recommended to slowly adjust the amount of food eaten each week.

2. Do more exercise: You should also do more exercise while fasting to lose weight.

3. Eat more protein: If the intake of protein is not enough, the elderly can suffer from sarcopenia and cause muscle loss. It is recommended to eat 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight (for example, a person weighing 50 kg needs to eat 50 grams of protein).

4. Master the amount of food you eat: cook as much as you eat In order not to waste food, many people often overeat, so that too many calories will get convert them into fat and accumulate them in the abdomen.

Mother-in-law’s starting weight was 180.4 pounds. (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

Further reading: Another method of fasting 23:1

Taiwanese nutritionist Gao Minmin once said that the 23:1 fasting method is the One Meal A Day fasting method (eating only one meal a day) The method is to eat only 1 hour a day, and fast for the remaining 23 hours. When you are hungry, you can only drink calorie-free drinks, such as water and tea.

Gao Minmin pointed out that the 23:1 fasting method can help to lose weight. There are advantages and disadvantages to it. Gao Minmin will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this diet method for everyone.

Benefits of long-term fasting:

increased insulin sensitivity

growth hormone increase

old metabolic cells


not suitable for long term operation

A nutritionist is needed to make timely adjustments. Not everyone’s life schedule/physical condition can afford it.

The mother-in-law’s body fat reached 40% before she lost weight. (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

Disadvantages of long-term fasting

Nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds that long-term fasting to lose weight will also bring the following effects to the body:

make people stressed

increased cortisol concentration


higher heart rate

muscle loss

more craving for starch

The mother-in-law’s big belly before losing weight is very noticeable. (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

Further reading: 8 types of people are not suitable for fasting 23:1

Nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds everyone that when trying to slow down the horizontal development, you must also clearly understand whether you are suitable for different diets and fasting methods. He advises friends with the following conditions not to try it lightly.

1. Underweight and sarcopenia

Malnutrition predisposes to dizziness and hypoglycemia.

2. Pregnant and nursing mothers

Sufficient nutrition is required, small meals should be taken often, and fasting for too long is not suitable.

3. Children, adolescents

This period requires adequate and balanced energy nutrition.

4. Elders

As well as children, the elderly also need adequate nutrition.

5. Cancer patients

Sufficient nutrition is needed to fight the disease.

6. Diabetes

Easy hypoglycemia, dizziness. Maintaining blood sugar stability is important for diabetics. Always discuss with your doctor or nutritionist before deciding whether you need

7. Eating Disorders

Patients with bulimia and anorexia should first return to a normal diet. People with poor stomach function can easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcer and stomach discomfort if they fast for a long time.

8. Long term medication

You need to discuss with your doctor whether it is suitable.

Mother-in-law lost 40 pounds and 3 inches in 3 months. (Video photo: “Health 2.0” program)

Gayon in the same field: 13 low sugar foods

In recent years, low sugar diets have been popular. Registered dietitian Lin Siwei said that if you want to adopt a “low sugar” diet to control your weight, it is recommended that carbohydrates based on whole grains count for around 30 to 40 % of your total daily calories, and protein accounts for 20% to 30%, while fat accounts for no more than 35%. She recommends 13 low sugar foods for everyone.

Foods rich in protein:

Eggs, lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, seafood, tofu

Foods rich in complex carbohydrates:

Brown rice, red rice, whole grain bread, pasta, quinoa, sweet potato, oatmeal

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