
A 21-year-old female student earns 1.3 billion VND/year thanks to tutoring

While studying and teaching, Chloe Tan – a former student of the University of Chicago (USA), earned 55,770 USD/year (1.3 billion VND) at the age of 21.

Chloe Tan was born in Singapore and raised in Shanghai (China). Coming from an intellectual family, Chloe’s mother is a banker and her father works in the field of biotechnology. Her family has the means, so the girl’s parents let her study at an international school from middle school.

“I feel privileged because I grew up in comfortable conditions. This gives me a head start compared to my friends, but I need to work harder,” Chloe shared.

Aware of having to work, Chloe started her business since she was a high school student. In 2016, the female student received an offer to help her younger brother prepare for a debate competition. Thanks to that, every week there are a few students who want to join Chloe’s tutoring class to improve their studies.

After that, the girl’s mother advised her to become a tutor to earn more income. The subjects Chloe tutors are mainly 12-17 year old students in China who aim to take the International Baccalaureate program to apply for scholarships to study abroad after graduating from high school.

While going to school and teaching tutoring, Chloe spends 2 nights/week preparing lesson plans and 5-6 hours/week teaching. Chloe’s teaching schedule is on Friday nights and costs about 67 USD/hour/student (1.6 million VND). “Each of my classes lasts 2 hours compared to 1-1 tutoring or face-to-face teaching. Teaching online helps me save travel time. The inconvenience is probably the time zone difference between Shanghai and Chicago,” Chloe said.

Chloe earned 55,770 USD/year (1.3 billion VND) at the age of 21 thanks to tutoring.

Tutoring with Chloe became a part of life and routine during her 4 years of university. Having taught tutoring for many years, female students rarely have time to hang out with friends. However, Chloe said she did not feel regretful about this.

To balance her time, Chloe spends 3 evenings studying, 2 evenings preparing lesson plans, 1 evening teaching and the remaining evening entertaining or meeting friends. Maintaining this habit for many years as a student, Chloe has a stable income. At the age of 21, female students earn 55,770 USD/year (1.3 billion VND) from tutoring. Previously, in 2021, Chloe earned about 93,000 USD/year (2.2 billion VND).

In addition to tutoring, Chloe’s income also comes from producing videos posted on YouTube, about 30,838 USD/year (760 million VND). The internship also brought in an income of 6,720 USD/year (165 million VND) for Chloe. The female student hopes that by the age of 27, she will have saved 300,000 USD (7.3 billion VND), which she can use to buy a house or start her own company.

Currently, Chloe has graduated from the University of Chicago (USA), hoping to find a product management job for a technology company. Chloe said that working in the STEM field (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) will easily get a job visa at a large company in the US.

(Source: Vietnamnet)