
A blind skier and gold medalist from the Beijing Olympics has fulfilled her dream! She sat behind the wheel of the iconic Porsche 911 | Promotion | .a week

the young champion in para-alpine skiing was diagnosed with Startgardt’s disease at a young age, which is a hereditary eye disease that causes loss of central vision. That’s why Alexandra has to use magnifying glasses, they help her with reading and everyday life. Despite her handicap, she successfully studies at the Ján Papánek High School in the capital. He devotes all his free time to studies and sports. Thanks to his incredible will and love for sports, he is one of our best Paralympians.

Porsche Slovakia

At first glance, it may seem that Alexandra has already fulfilled her big dreams at such a young age. However, she had only dreamed of some of them until now and had no idea that they would turn into reality. Due to her handicap, it is impossible for her to drive a car. When skiing, he only follows his navigator, on whom he must rely one hundred percent. Similarly, it could also work with controlled driving in a safe environment, which was the basis of the idea on which the fulfillment of the secret wish of the Slovak sportswoman began to be built.

Help and support in the implementation of this project was offered by the importer and seller of Porsche vehicles in Slovakia, Porsche Inter Auto, s.r.o “We were touched by the story of Alexandra Rex, her determination, strong will, motivation and desire to win. It is an inspiring story for all of us. How despite adversity you can win and overcome obstacles. In addition, we were sincerely pleased that her big dream was to drive the 911 model. It can be seen that Alexandra does not take small challenges for herself.” says Ing. Gabriela Černáková, marketing and PR manager of Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia.

Porsche Slovakia

It all happened very quickly, but the preparations were thorough and lengthy. It was necessary to arrange permits, find a suitable airport and coordinate the schedule of all members of the implementation team. Finally, at the end of the summer, in August, a couple of enthusiasts met, who wished to fulfill the top sportswoman’s lifelong dream. At the Dobrá Niva airport near Zvolen, a beautiful collaboration between Porsche Inter Auto Slovensko, PR & media consulting company REXA & ROMAN PARTNERS, which is also the official sponsor of Alexandra Rexová and the REXA para ski team, took place. In cooperation with the Dobrá Niva airport, we managed to prepare a beautiful experience and fulfill a wish that might seem impossible at first glance.

Dobrá Niva airport near Zvolen became the scene of a big surprise

The surprise for Alexandra took place on the occasion of Alexandra’s 18th birthday. The unsuspecting birthday girl was taken by the staff from Bratislava to the Dobrá Niva airport, which was closed to flights that day and was reserved only for this event. After arriving at the venue, a shiny Porsche 911 GTS version was already waiting on the runway. “I drive a lot of kilometers in the car, I move to trainings, races and training sessions. However, I have never driven and always wanted to try it,” a surprised Alexandra revealed.

She enjoyed the first drives in the passenger seat to familiarize herself with the vehicle and enjoy the wonderful sound of the engine and the wind in her hair, as it was a convertible version. “I like speed because I ski, that’s why I compete in downhill and speed disciplines. In Beijing, when I went super-G, they measured my speed up to 115 kilometers per hour,” the Slovak Paralympian talked about her passion.

During the test drive, Alexandra’s co-driver and coach was the brand manager of Porsche in Slovakia, Marek Neuwirth. Marek did not spare Alexandra at all and let her feel what is hidden under the hood of the Porsche Carrera 911 GTS. “My stomach went up like a merry-go-round and my hair was flying like crazy,” she confessed after the test drive of Alexandra. And really, there was nothing to be surprised when she was rushing at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

After the “test drive”, the longed-for moment came when Alexandra got behind the wheel. On the closed runway, under the supervision of the crew and Marek Nuewirth, Alexandra experienced something she had secretly dreamed of for a long time. Only an 18-year-old skier finally held the steering wheel of a Porsche Carrera 911 GTS with 480 horsepower. That’s when the dream ride started!

Her ride surprised the entire implementation team. Alexandra is used to skiing exactly according to the navigator’s instructions, and it was also visible in her ride. She was very disciplined and followed Marek’s instructions exactly, and just like her ride on the slope, this one, the first in her life, behind the wheel, was absolutely precise and full of energy. “I can go one more time,” was the first sentence as she parked next to the implementation team. After the first emotions faded, she surprisingly admitted: “It’s better than skis.” Of course with a smile on her lips and the addition that she was very pleasantly surprised by the car’s puncture, especially how the resistance pushed her into the seat.

Porsche Slovakia

However, no one knows how many kilometers per hour they actually drove on the straight. “It was so emotional and fast that I didn’t even notice how fast we were going,” co-driver and Porsche brand manager Marek Nuewirth added enthusiastically, adding that Alexandra is a perfect driver. And despite the fact that she can only vaguely see the steering wheel, she enjoyed the drive and definitely did not spare the engine of this iconic vehicle. After returning to the start, she was literally shaking. “Well thank you. I feel like the word thank you is not enough, but a really, really big thank you.” adding that it feels similar to when she won the gold medal at the Beijing Paralympics and was at a loss for words.

“My dream came true. But the emotions, they are still indescribable.” the young athlete confessed further. But her day full of surprises did not end. Her journey home was shortened by a private plane ride. Even the seasoned skier was completely speechless from the rush of emotions and just hugged everyone around with emotion. This ride was also possible thanks to the support of the co-owner of the Dobrá Niva airport, Marián Dada. The purring of the 480 horsepower Porsche Carrera 911 GTS was suddenly replaced by the sound of the propeller on the small plane, which was heading with our Olympic champion all the way to Nitra, where she was waiting to be taken home.

there are no limitations, when you believe in yourself you can do amazing things

These are the typical words of a young skier and members of her private pair of the REXA ski team. Despite her handicap, Alexandra has become one of the top Slovak and world para skiers. But he still says it’s just the beginning of what’s possible. If you were looking for a synonym for the word determination, go look at the normal training of a para athlete. The commitment and strength of a pair of athletes sends chills down the spine. And none of them stand for pity.

Alexandra often says that it doesn’t matter if she’s having a bad day or her legs hurt from the previous training, you just have to keep moving forward and not worry about life. Already at a young age, she understood that discipline and perseverance is what gets her from point A to point B. Determination, discipline and responsibility is what drives her forward. “Maybe some disabled kid who was looking at me in the last practice could be my future self, trying to find inspiration. You never know who you might inspire and which moment will change your life forever.” Alexandra said.

the iconic car from Porsche has taught generations to dream

The Porsche 911 celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. At the same time, Alexandra Rex celebrates her 18th birthday and her big dream was to drive a Porsche 911. Connecting these two stories was therefore offered as if on a silver platter. Alexandra’s story is also a powerful message for young people and future generations. “We hope that our video and the output of this surprise will be an inspiration to young people to not give up and believe in themselves. Not to be afraid, to have enough courage to fulfill your dreams despite the disadvantages that we all often face in life, is what should be our message to everyone.” added Gabriela Černáková at the end.

These days, Alexandra is preparing for the upcoming championships with her team and coach on the snowy hills in Argentina, so that she can represent Slovakia again in the winter and achieve amazing results.

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