
A ceremonial academy was held on the occasion of March 1 – BiH Independence Day

In the Bosnian National Theater in Zenica, a ceremonial academy was held on the occasion of March 1 – the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was organized by the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton.
A significant date
As the Press Service announced, the Chairman of the Assembly Dejan Kovačević sent a congratulation to those present, members of the ZDK Government headed by Prime Minister Amra Mehmedić, federal and cantonal representatives, representatives of cities and municipalities, war veterans and members of the veteran population, and numerous citizens.
Kovačević said that March 1 is one of the most significant dates in the recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because 31 years ago the citizens declared in a referendum that they wanted an independent and independent state.
Tribute to the patriots
He gave special recognition to the patriots who defended the independence and sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stressing that we should all protect the homeland together and continue to work on strengthening the state and its institutions and creating conditions for a better quality of life for all citizens.
Art program
The Zenica Chamber Symphony Orchestra, “Art Sonore” Mixed Choir, “Druge Gimnazije” Women’s Choir, students and professors of the High School of Music and actors of the Bosnian National Theater participated in the artistic program of the formal academy.