
A new star is coming! – Kerala Blasters coach Ivan Vukomanović talks about reaching a new star | Manorama News

Kochi ∙ One more player may join the Blasters team in this month’s transfer window, says coach Ivan Vukomanovic. Vukomanovic speaking before today’s game.

Preventing headaches again?

Defense was a big problem at first. Gradually the defense became more successful. Now, however, the errors came again; and defeats. In the next games, the strength of the defense can only be recovered. Injured Sandeep Singh is resting after surgery. There are others who can play in that position.

The strategy for the play-offs?

Every game is important. Every team wants to play well against Blasters. Because no other team plays with such intense passion and emotional support from fans.

Coming, new stars?

Trying to reach an agreement with a star in the January transfer window. He is expected to join the team this month itself. If not, wait until the end of the term.

English summary : Kerala Blasters coach Ivan Vukomanović talks about the arrival of a new star