
Actor Choi Dae-cheol Opens Up About Family Life and Financial Struggles on ‘Men Who Do Housework 2’

(Screen grab from KBS 2TV ‘Men Who Do Housework 2’)

Actor Choi Dae-cheol surprised everyone by rejoining ‘Salimnam’ and revealing his child’s monthly education expenses.

In KBS 2TV’s ‘Men Who Do Housework 2’, which aired on the 13th, the family of Choi Dae-cheol, who has been married for 18 years, was depicted joining the family.

On this day’s broadcast, the studio erupted in exclamations as the 16-year-old daughter Choi Seong-eun, who is leading in the world of Korean dance, the 18-year-old son Choi Sang-moon, an aspiring actor, and his beautiful wife. appeared.

Choi Dae-cheol sat across from the table with his wife and said, “My headaches go away a little at a time after going to the hospital.”

Anxieties poured out in the studio. Choi Dae-cheol admitted, “Last year, the blood vessels in my brain swelled. This is due to overwork and nervousness. I still have migraines. When I use fragrance oil, it feels a little cooler.”

(Screen grab from KBS 2TV ‘Men Who Do Housework 2’)

He revealed, “I collapsed while filming. I couldn’t breathe. The woman who was working happened to call an ambulance,” and revealed that he does all his schedules alone without a manager.

When asked, “Why don’t you take a break from work?” Choi Dae-cheol responded, “It’s more painful to take a break. The money that goes out regularly is a lot. The basic cost is 13 million won a month (for children’s education).

He continued, “Aren’t we on a fixed income? It’s actually hard for actors. The hardest time is when there’s no work. I’m grateful for my work. This time, I’m going to work as a coach.”

Choi Dae-cheol, who appeared on the lecture stage, admitted the hardships he experienced after marrying his wife, whom he dated for seven years when he was an unknown actor in 2006.

He said, “I got married, I had a son and a daughter, and I earned 150,000 a month. I didn’t go home often. I drank, I slept in my ancestors’ houses, I told lies, and he came home late, and my Mr. said woman to me, ‘Thank you for your hard work.’ “I came home from play after play, but they told me to eat only geotjeori because they couldn’t make soup,” he said.

(Screen grab from KBS 2TV ‘Men Who Do Housework 2’)

Then he admitted, “I couldn’t take it anymore, so I went out. I was crying like crazy. I said to myself, ‘You’re going to die. I was drinking and acting in Daehakro , and you’re trash.'”

He recalled, “I never want to go back to that time. My son asked me to buy him caramel when he was in kindergarten, but I couldn’t buy it for him because I didn’t have 600 won. I really can Don’t forget that day.”

After finishing his first lecture, Choi Dae-cheol walked somewhere, clutching his hungry stomach. A bench on campus was where he headed. To fill my meal with bread, I bought at a convenience store. After a quick meal, he headed home through the rain. It was sad to see that he was struggling to stop the lethargy that came with him in the car.

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