
Actor Choi Seong-jun Faces Criticism for Climbing Cherry Blossom Trees

[마이데일리 = 박서연 기자] Actor Choi Seong-jun reported his current status.

On the 10th, Choi Seong-jun shared a video and photo, calling himself “Cherry Blossom Man.”

Seongjun Choi strikes a V pose with cherry blossoms in his hair. Then Choi Seong-jun took a picture of a cherry tree on the side of the road, but the problem was that he was climbing on top of the tree.

After seeing this, Super Junior’s Yesung left a comment saying, “Hey,” and singer Kim Sanghyuk pointed out, “I’m being reported.”

Netizens also criticized Choi Seong-jun with comments such as “You shouldn’t do this,” “It hurts the cherry blossom trees,” “I would be angry if they did that in Japan,” “This is really the worst, ” “Trees are not for climbing,” and “I feel sorry for the trees.”

Meanwhile, Seongjun Choi, born in 1983, graduated from Seoul National University’s Department of Physical Education and appeared in Fatigue Relief CF in 2003. After that, he appeared in dramas such as ‘Palace’, ‘I Hear Your Voice’ , and ‘High Class’.

[사진 = 최성준]

Reporter Park Seo-yeon
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