
Actor Klom Nopphon’s Nightmare: Dutch Train Robbers Steal Everything, Leaving Him Stranded in Europe

Very scary, losing all your wealth I thought the police would help look at the cameras. The young actor Klom Nopphon is sad and complains even though he knows about the thieves’ nest. Going on a trip to Holland and the train robbers taking it all away. Be careful about the size. how do you go home

It turned out to be a sad journey. Dutch train robbers took everything, camera bag, passport, how to get home?

With the caption: “Europe is very scary. Got it this trip. #Even if you are careful #not careful enough #criminal #train robbers,” the person and his girlfriend with sad expressions help each other say that

“We got it on our trip. All the pictures we took throughout the trip. A thief stole my bag from the train. It took a fraction of a second to come up. And then he jumped off the train as it left.

All your wealth is gone. Now we have to find the bag. We had to report it because our passports were in there. travel documents camera key The things we invested in and our passports, if we don’t have them we can’t go home. We’re going home now. We have to wait and see what the Hague police will do.”

Young actor Klom Nopphon also posted a clip recounting the incident with the caption: “#Thief tracks information firmly. I thought the police would help look at the cameras but!?!?!

We only got documents to make a passport to go home, even though we knew about the thieves’ den. (The villagers here also know) but he was not criticizing, just complaining. While waiting for the investigation department to handle the next part … so we can get on the plane to go home I will continue the story slowly.”

saying he went to the police in The Hague to report The police listened and went to find tracking devices. It’s midnight. The thief is asleep and is not going to follow anything.

He was well dressed, he didn’t look like a thief at all, looked very intelligent, but he was a thief. Among friends, many entertainers came to give encouragement. along with asking to catch the thief

#thought #police #sad #young #actor #complains #thieves #nest #thieves #home