
Actor Lee Seo-jin’s Agency Issues Strong Response to Malicious Rumors

Actor Lee Seo-jin Actor Lee Seo-jin’s sidekick predicted a hard-line response without mercy regarding the suspicion of ‘actor L’s underwater breakup’ that was recently circulated online, saying, “It’s not true.”

Antenna, the agency, issued an official statement on the 1st, saying, “Our company has refrained from responding externally as much as possible to the rumor article recently posted on an online community because it is not true. However however, in relation to this, the real name of the agency actor was mentioned and a malicious slander was made “We have confirmed that indiscriminate false information is being posted and distributed continuously.”

He continued, “We have decided that we can no longer ignore the seriousness of the situation, so we intend to respond strongly to actions that create and spread malicious rumors and damage the personality and reputation of actors without any mercy or agreement.” He added, “We will always love and support our artists.” “We are grateful to all the fans who sent us messages, and we will continue to work hard to protect the rights and interests of our artists,” he stressed.

On the 22nd of last month, a message was posted on the large online community Natepan saying, ‘I broke up with actor L underwater.’ Author A revealed that he and L first met six years ago and have dated for over four years, but that they were recently informed of a one-sided breakup via text message.

Mr L continued to ask me to take pictures of important parts of his body and send them to him, so I responded, but he explained that the most important thing for him was whether the pictures were completely deleted. Mr A said, “I think politeness is necessary even in a break up, but I know this person has had problems with the same behavior in the past,” and claimed he had also made rude comments about colleagues.

After the article was posted, speculation arose that actor Lee Seo-jin was Mr. L. As of the afternoon of the 1st, this post has been deleted.

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