
Actress Lena to Publish “The Autobiography of God” in Malayalam with DC Books: Kerala Literature Festival Highlights

Actress Lena will publish her book ‘The Autobiography of God’ in Malayalam as well. He said this when he arrived at the Kerala Literature Festival. The actress also said that the book is being published by DC Books.

‘I don’t know Malayalam. Language has its limitations. “My book should be translated by good writers,” said Lena at KLF.

Nobody sits here normally. If it was, I wouldn’t be sitting here. The use of drugs does not give a special feeling. All you get is a feeling. If you practice meditation, you will get more feeling’ – added the actress.

In an interview given in connection with the launch of the book, the actress had said that she was a Buddhist monk in her previous birth. Lena said in an interview that she died at the age of 63 on the Tibet-Nepal border. That’s why they cut their hair like Buddhist monks. He also said that he had traveled to the Himalayas. The actress’ words were a big discussion.

#sits #wouldnt #sit #Lena