
Actress Yousra El Lozy holds her mother’s funeral after Friday prayers

The artist, Yousra Al-Lawzi, will mourn the body of her mother, Sawsan Fouad Al-Mardini, and the wife of the late theater director, Mahmoud Al-Lawzi, this afternoon, after Friday prayers, from the Omar Makram Mosque in Tahrir Square.

The death of Sawsan Fouad Al-Mardini, mother of the artist Yousra Al-Lawzi

It is noteworthy that Yousra El Lozy, the daughter of the late theater director and professor of directing at the American University, Mahmoud El Lozy, began her artistic career when director Youssef Chahine nominated her to star in his film “Alexandria – New York,” and she followed that with a variety of works in various artistic channels, whether in cinema, theater or television.

A kinship series

The artist, Yousra El Lozy, participated in the 2024 Ramadan drama season, in the series Silat Rahm.

The events of the series “Silat Rahm” took place within a dramatic, suspenseful framework, as the work discusses the issue of surrogacy, through the story of an anesthesiologist named “Hossam” and his wife, “Laila”, and the work stars the artists: Iyad Nassar, Yousra Al-Lawzi, Salwa Muhammad Ali, Asma Abu Al-Yazid. , Abed Annabi, Muhammad Jumaa, written by Muhammad Hisham Obayya, idea by Ahmed Mahmoud Abu Zaid, and directed by Tamer Nadi.

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