
All seven performances in Paris are full of artists praised Shen Yun as a miracle | Creator | Bright | Paris International Convention Center

[Epoch Times, May 14, 2022](The Epoch Times, Paris, France Reporter) On the evening of May 13, the Shen Yun New York Art Troupe staged this season’s performance in Paris at the Palais des Congrès de Paris. For the last performance, the theater was full again.

Since May 5, Shen Yun New York has performed seven performances at the Paris International Convention Center, with the 3,700-seat Grand Theater, and every performance is full. Shen Yun’s pure and beautiful artistic attainments and profound connotations have attracted mainstream audiences.

On the evening of May 13, 2022, the audience waited at the Paris International Convention Center to enter the theater to watch Shen Yun. (Zhang Le/The Epoch Times)

Artist: Shen Yun is a miracle

On the evening of May 13, 2022, painter Mikaela Scattolini watched the final performance of Shen Yun New York Art Troupe at the Paris International Convention Center. (New Tang Dynasty Television)

Painter Mikaela Scattolini said that this is the third time she has watched Shen Yun. Unfortunately, the epidemic made people wait two years before seeing Shen Yun again. She said, “Shen Yun is a great miracle, a heavenly feeling that sublimates people’s spirits and inspires them. My paintings are in this style. I want to greatly encourage Shen Yun and pray for them. Shen Yun has given me a lot of painting skills. inspiration.”

Shen Yun showcases the true traditional Chinese culture. In this regard, Scattolini said: “I have always dreamed of seeing such a wonderful performance. In any case, we have entered a new era, and after a great purification of the earth, there will be such a wonderful spectacle in the new era, I will Pray for Shen Yun a lot.”

Shen Yun performances show many stories related to gods and Buddhas. Do gods really exist? Scattolini replied: “Absolutely, without a doubt. When the golden roulette came out at the end, it was wonderful! That’s the style I wanted to paint, I just painted a similar type and it was totally divine. My Painting is to express the light of the gods, the vision brought by the gods. I can’t use other words to describe the charm except that it is really a (expression of the gods).”

The colors and commentaries displayed by Shen Yun all emphasize the ancient history of Chinese civilization, which has even survived to this day. She said: “Because miracles are manifested in all good things, all pure things, so I recognize the seal of my God, allow me to say this. Like a creator who put his seal Imprinted in some beautiful and pure tradition, like Shen Yun, it’s really otherworldly, that’s how I feel. I feel like the resurrection of Jesus, it’s a miracle.”

Scattolini believes that Shen Yun is indispensable, “because now the whole world is living in a kind of extreme darkness, a kind of terrible darkness, ordinary performances are terrible, very ugly, very vulgar, even evil, no beauty, no purity, no Color, no light. We really need, desperately need, (Shen Yun) this beauty, purity and light.”

Enjoy watching Chinese culture comedian praise Shen Yun’s new show every year

On the evening of May 13, 2022, French comedian Mylène Bude (left) and friend, Vivien Cauhépé, the manager of a video game company, watched the final performance of Shen Yun New York Art Troupe at the Paris International Convention Center. (Delong/Epoch Times)

“This performance is exquisite, the dynamic sky is vivid, and the choreography is amazing.” French comedian Mylène Bude praised after watching Shen Yun’s performance.

Bude watching the show with friend Vivien Cauhépé. She praised Shen Yun as a high-quality performance, which allowed her to experience a little-known traditional Chinese culture.

Bude said that the performances such as the dance “Water Sleeve”, the dance drama “Wang Zhaojun” and “Three Hundred Years in One Day” left a deep impression on her. She said: “I love the scene of the actresses dancing on the stage in a continuous rotation, with their skirts flying.”

Cauhépé, the manager of a video game company, said that he liked the show’s wonderful use of the dynamic canopy and the dashing and vigorous movements of the actors.

As an actor, Bude believes that Shen Yun’s costumes are a good representation of the Chinese folk customs during the plot period. “They’ve obviously done a good job of researching the costumes in the show, and it’s nice to have an art troupe working on that,” she said.

Speaking of the show’s story, Bude said she was moved by the story of a military doctor’s father harvesting his daughter’s organs. She said, “That girl finally got God’s help, and that’s what moved me the most.” Cauhépé agreed: “That show was thought-provoking.”

Shen Yun recreates traditional Chinese culture through pure and beautiful Chinese classical dance, Bude said, “China’s five thousand-year-old culture is so rich and colorful, only by understanding the past can we understand the present, so it is of course very important to understand this culture. It’s a really nice thing that they share this culture with us.”

“And they put out a new show every year at such a high level,” says Bude, which is unimaginable for her.

Cauhépé thanked the Shen Yun performance for allowing them to appreciate the five thousand years of Chinese history and culture overnight. Bude said with a smile, “You know, if you haven’t seen Shen Yun, you haven’t been to China!”

Mylène Bude has starred in the French films COEXISTER, LES DERNIERS PARISIENS, and the TV series LES LUNETTES, PROFILAGE, ENQUETE INTRUSIVE, etc.

Legal Director of Financing: The Beauty of Shen Yun Can Make Audiences Full of Harvest

On the evening of May 13, 2022, Paul Thomson, Legal Director of Group Financing, watched the final performance of Shen Yun New York Art Troupe at the Paris International Convention Center. (New Tang Dynasty Television)

Paul Thomson works as Legal Director of Financing for a large listed French group. After watching Shen Yun’s performance, he praised him sincerely: “The beauty is unparalleled, the colors are wonderful, the music is also very diverse, and the dance is also very diverse, sometimes full of humor, and some are more serious. At the end, there are several programs that have Some very tragic scenes in modern society. The show is amazingly rich, and it’s really beautiful and graceful.”

He said that in the process of watching the performance, “I was completely shocked. I am very grateful for the dedication of Shen Yun actors.”

Thomson said that what he felt when watching Shen Yun’s performance was one word: beauty. He said: “The beauty of the performance itself, and the beauty of the thousand-year-old tradition. I think it’s great to preserve the tradition.”

Regarding the beauty of Shen Yun, Thomson believes: “Beauty is always the source of abundance and wonder. Shen Yun is a performance that can bring a lot to all those who are fortunate enough to watch Shen Yun.”

Corporate Vice President: Shen Yun delivers a comprehensive message

“The performance conveyed a very comprehensive message,” said Olivier Bernard, vice president of a biotechnology company, after watching the Shen Yun performance.

Olivier Bernard and his wife Anne brought their two daughters to the show. Bernard believes that the Shen Yun performance has a deep connotation. “This performance is like a musical. Not only is it artistic, it also conveys a comprehensive message whether it is music, history, or dance.”

He explained the music performed by Shen Yun as an example: “The orchestra’s performance is gorgeous and smooth, and the music really interprets the plot, just like the actors on the stage.”

The Shen Yun performance spanned five thousand years of Chinese history. Bernard was amazed that Shen Yun’s music could reflect the styles of music in different regions and periods in China. “We knew it was going to be a very big project (composing for this show),” he said. “It wasn’t easy.”

Anne added: “The dynamic canopy also graced the show!”

Bernard agrees that the vivid dynamic canopy successfully interprets traditional Chinese culture. He said: “This culture is something we don’t know, because we rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with this culture, but this show has given us a better understanding of this culture. This (Shen Yun show) is a way for people to understand A very good approach to Chinese culture.”

The Municipal Government Elderly Activity Center organized 58 people to watch Shen Yun

On the evening of May 13, 2022, the elderly activity center of the municipal government of Plaisir in the greater Paris area organized 58 people to watch Shen Yun. The picture shows a group photo of some members. (Zhang Ni/Epoch Times)

The “Maison Rousseau”, an elderly activity center in the municipal government of Plaisir, Yvelines, Paris, organized 58 members to watch the Shen Yun performance.

Nora Khaldi, event coordinator, said: “The show was magical, it was too exciting to describe.”

Khaldi said that the event center has organized to watch Shen Yun performances for a long time, but it was only realized today because of the impact of the epidemic. “I think all the members agreed that the show was fantastic,” she said.

Responsible editor: Lin Zhen