
Amazing Benefits of ‘Til’ in Winter

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can help lower bad cholesterol levels, balance blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, keep bones healthy, and help build blood cells.

Winters are perfect for adding sesame to dishes as the warming effect of sesame has the ability to keep the body warm from within.

These seeds contain sesamolin compounds known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Medical experts recommend the consumption of beneficial foods with warming effects to prevent various infections and seasonal viral infections in winter, while nutritious sesame seeds are considered as an alternative to many foods because of the natural oil found in them. It is very useful for health.

Sesame nutrition

According to health experts, sesame seeds are rich in nutrients and pigments. Small white and black sesame seeds have the same nutritional value as meat and have medicinal properties. Not only do they generate heat and energy, but they also have various other health benefits. These seeds are great for your hair and skin. They are also very good for health.

The secret to beautiful hair

Sesame seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are great for your skin and hair. They also help strengthen your hair follicles, which help repair damaged hair and promote hair growth. are


They are rich in antioxidants and help prevent the early signs of aging. So mole can help in their treatment.

Dental health

Using sesame oil is beneficial for removing dental plaque and helps in promoting good health. Winter often brings with it problems related to bones and joints. Sesame helps fight calcium problems and reduce inflammation.

Excellent digestion

Winter brings with it many problems related to the intestines, indigestion and acidity are high during this season. Sesame seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids that help lubricate your intestines which makes bowel movements easier.

Energy acquisition

Sesame seeds are a storehouse of healthy fats that provide you with energy and warmth. They are high in healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids that help provide energy. They contain magnesium, fiber, Phosphorus, calcium and iron also act as energy sources.

For blood pressure

Blood pressure is usually high in winter season due to low temperature, high blood pressure occurs. Sesame seeds can help lower your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure problems should use it. Because these polyunsaturated fats are rich in magnesium that helps stabilize blood pressure levels and prevent hypertension.

For bones

Sesame seeds contain nutrients that are beneficial for bone health, including calcium. Joints, back pain, and bone pain are also common in winter. Consuming sesame seeds can improve bone health and reduce inflammation and other such problems. Helps to fight A person with weak bones is more likely to develop osteoporosis in this type of situation get an urgent bone test.

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes fragile bones that increase the risk of bone fractures. After the age of 35, bone mass begins to decrease and this loss is more common in women during or after puberty, so consuming black sesame seeds is essential for strong bones. Sesame seeds are rich in zinc and calcium.

For fever

With the onset of winter season, fevers also increase as we mentioned it is rich in zinc, copper, iron and other vitamins that will help you build a strong immune system to ward off infections and viruses. It can help reduce the risk of colds, coughs and fevers.

How to use

Sesame seeds are great for generating heat and energy in your body and hence consuming sesame seeds in winters is very beneficial. Its use during winters is popular in various households. You can’t imagine winters without delicious things like sesame seeds, sesame laddoos and gajak. Roasted sesame with jaggery looks delicious. You can add it to your salad or vegetables. You can use its seeds, you can also enjoy the snacks available in the ready market with its seeds and you can also make delicious things at home.
