
Apple and Samsung Dominate Top 10 Best-Selling Smartphones in Q1 2024 with 5G-Enabled Devices

Apple and Samsung dominate the top 10 best-selling smartphones in the first quarter of 2024, with each brand occupying five positions, leaving no room for any other brand.

According to Counterpoint Research’s Global Monthly Handset Model Sales Tracker, this is the first quarter that all of the top 10 smartphones are 5G-enabled, and seven of the top 10 smartphones are also premium smartphones Or the wholesale price is US$600 (about 22,000 baht) or more.

Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro Max was the best-selling smartphone in the first quarter of 2024, with the Pro Max taking the top spot for the first time in a non-seasonal quarter for Apple, reflecting trends in smartphone demand, furthermore, of all four iPhone 15 models are in the top 10, with three out of four also occupying the top three.

Apple’s Pro line of smartphones is clearly popular. As it captured half of Apple’s sales in Q1 2024, up 24% in Q1 2020, it is also the smartphone that is Apple’s main revenue driver with a share of more than 60% of sales value in the first quarter of 2024

This strategic move proved successful. This is because consumers are willing to pay for premium smartphones. Especially from the Pro group with the innovative Dynamic Island interface. Most advanced chipset Extremely smooth display Titanium frame and telephoto lens

Samsung’s Galaxy S24 series took two spots in the top 10, with the Ultra model at number 5 and the base model at number 9. Its efforts in developing generative AI technology made the S24 series the first of its kind to arrive on the market with this feature Allows users to create unique content and experience a new level of interaction with their smartphones.

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