
Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro A17 Pro Chipset Outperforms Android Competitors on Geekbench

The iPhone 15 Pro has made waves with the introduction of its groundbreaking A17 Pro chipset, utilizing the advanced 3nm architecture, a first in the world of mobile phones. According to Apple, this new CPU boasts a 10% increase in strength, while the GPU sees an impressive 20% boost. Recent test results have confirmed these claims, solidifying the power behind this new chip.

Geekbench 6 Scores Speak Volumes

The Geekbench 6 scores for the iPhone 15 Pro (model iPhone16.1) reveal a higher performance level, in line with the claims made by Apple. The device received a commendable rating, with a Single-Core score of 2908 points and a Multi-Core score of 7238 points.

A17 Pro Chipset Specifications

The A17 Pro chipset, which achieved these impressive scores, is packed with noteworthy specifications. It boasts a maximum speed of 3.778GHz, a significant improvement over the iPhone 14 Pro’s 3.460GHz.

In comparison to its predecessor, the iPhone 15 Pro’s Single-Core score of 2908 points represents a remarkable 10% increase. While the Multi-Core score of 7238 points sees a more modest, yet still commendable, 3% rise.

Interestingly, when pitted against the current Android powerhouse featuring the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, such as the Galaxy S23 Ultra, the A17 Pro chipset’s scores soar a staggering 26% higher. It is evident that Apple’s chip, as assessed by Geekbench, outperforms its Android counterparts significantly. However, it should be noted that this A17 Pro chipset is fairly new, and only time will tell how it measures up against the forthcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 3’s performance.

Source: Geekbench

The iPhone 15 Pro was launched with a new A17 Pro chipset that uses the 3nm architecture, the first mobile phone model. Apple claims that the CPU is 10% stronger and the GPU is 20% stronger. Recently , test results confirm this. The power of this chip has come out!

The score of the iPhone 15 Pro (iPhone16.1) on Geekbench 6 reveals a higher performance as claimed. Because it received a high rating…

Single-Core = 2908 pointsMulti-Core = 7238 points

As for the specifications of the A17 Pro chipset of the iPhone 15 Pro, which received this test score, it will have a maximum speed of 3.778GHz, a significant increase from the iPhone 14 Pro at 3.460GHz.

This score, compared to the iPhone 14 Pro Max in Single-Core (2641 points), is actually about 10% higher, while Multi-Core (6989 points) has secretly increased slightly, no but about 3%.

And compared to the most powerful Android currently using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip like the Galaxy S23 Ultra (2099 | 5708), the A17 Pro’s score is about 26% higher!

Once again, Apple’s chip scored high on Geekbench, well ahead of Android, but this chip is clearly new. We’ll have to wait for Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 test results to see how close they are.

Source: Geekbench

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