
‘Artist’ MC Zico, shaking at the first hosting, “I’m really nervous… I feel pressured”

[마이데일리 = 박서연 기자]Zico revealed his thoughts on the first episode of ‘The Seasons – Zico’s Artist’.

Dynamic Duo appeared as guests for the first time on KBS 2TV’s ‘The Seasons – Zico’s Artist’, which aired for the first time on the 26th.

On this day, MC Zico hosted the show for the first time. Choiza said, “I’ve been watching Zico all the time, and today is the first time I’ve seen him tremble. He really does everything perfectly, and this is the first time I’ve seen him.” Gaeko said, “I’ve never seen him tremble on stage before,” calling Zico cute. I looked at it as if

Zico confessed, “Actually, when I’m the most nervous, what I do is pretend not to be nervous. But right now, I’m really nervous.”

Choiza relieved Zico’s nerves by saying, “You won’t be able to see him like this in the future. He’ll get better soon. I think it would be good if we could enjoy this together.”

Zico said, “Most of the things we did together were competition programs, and we wrote songs together and worked as producers, but looking at it like this, I think it has a slightly special feel.”

The three people continued to stand and talk, and Gaeko said, “It’s awkward to stand like this,” and joked with Zico, “You know you’re going backwards, right?”

Embarrassed, Zico covered his face with his hands and said, “I’m really nervous. I feel even more pressure because it says Zico on it.”

[사진 = KBS 2TV ’지코의 아티스트’ 방송 캡처]

Reporter Park Seo-yeon
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