
Assessment of North Korea’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launch by South Korean Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik

Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik. what good news
National Defense Minister Shin Won-sik assessed the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched by North Korea on the morning of the 18th as a solid-fuel Hwasong-18 type and explained that, although it was successful in flight, the reentry atmospheric technology essential for effective diffusion has not yet been guaranteed.

At the same time, he announced that if North Korea continues to provoke, it is also considering a “decapitation attack” exercise to eliminate the leadership and cripple the command system.

Minister Shin explained this in an appearance on MBN News 7 on the afternoon of the 18th. If the missile launched this time is the Hwasong-18, it is the third launch since last April and July.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced they detected a long-range ballistic missile launched by North Korea from Pyongyang’s East Sea area around 8:24 a.m. today. It was launched at a high angle and flew about 1,000 km before landing in the East Sea. According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense, the maximum altitude is approximately 6,000 km. This is a typical high-angle launch trajectory of an ICBM.

However, Minister Shin explained, “the flight is evaluated as a success”, but “the re-entry into the atmosphere of the most important warhead is difficult to verify and is evaluated as not yet completed”. Atmospheric reentry refers to a technology that allows a warhead to withstand the heat and friction generated in the process of impacting the atmosphere and fly towards the target as it returns to earth after leaving the atmosphere.

He added: “In North Korea, Kim Jong-un directly ordered five strategic weapons-related tasks in January 2021 (8th Workers’ Party Congress), and the final launch is believed to have been carried out to clearly demonstrate the results at the plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party.”

However, regarding North and South Korea’s missile technology, he added: “We are much more stable and have a higher technological level,” and added: “North Korea has been developing solid-fuel missiles since 2019, and when you consider the accumulation of technology and comprehensiveness, we are far superior.”

Regarding the real-time information sharing system on North Korea’s missile warnings announced by President Yoon Seok-yeol today, Minister Shin said: “South Korea, the United States and Japan will make an announcement soon , within 24 hours. Before that, it was only shared during training, but now it is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” “Before, we mainly only shared maritime detection methods, but now the difference is that we share all missile information detection methods, including terrain detection methods,” he said.

“If we do this, it will be possible to share in real time the estimated launch point when the missile will fly, the flight characteristics, including the flight path, and even the final landing point,” he said. much faster and we will be able to respond effectively.” “We can secure enough time,” she added.

When the ROK-US Joint Special Operations Training Conductor posted on the USFK Facebook page on the 18th, asking about the so-called “decapitation” operation training or deployment of strategic assets, he said: “ We are considering both options, and it is difficult to talk publicly about the decapitation operation.” He said: “Today, the training of ROK-US special operations forces was revealed on the US Forces Korea website. Training such as aerial maneuvers, raids on key facilities and internal clearance are currently underway.”

Recently, U.S. Forces Korea and U.S. Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR) released images of our Army Special Operations Command, Police Special Forces and 1st Special Forces Group US Army (the so-called “Green Beret”). Conduct joint special operations training on social media.

Regarding the deployment of strategic assets, Minister Shin added: “We are discussing deployment of specific strategic assets, Korea-US training based on the deployment of strategic assets, and Korea-US-Japan trainings in mind.” .

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