
Atijeevitha Demands Re-Investigation in Medical College Molestation Case Due to Omissions in Medical Report

Kozhikode: Atijeevitha Demands Re-Investigation in Medical College Molestation Case

An urgent plea for a comprehensive re-investigation has been made by Atijeevitha in the highly-publicized medical college molestation case in Kozhikode. Atijeevitha, the courageous victim, recently filed a complaint with the City Police Commissioner, raising concerns regarding the exclusion of crucial details from the medical report.

Alarming Omissions

Upon receipt of the medical report, Atijeevitha discovered a disheartening reality – several significant elements of her statement were mysteriously absent. This shocking revelation has compelled her to question the integrity of the investigation while suggesting a potential agenda to protect the accused.

A Shocking Ordeal Unveiled

The distressing incident unfolded when K. Saseendron, a hospital worker hailing from Vadakara, subjected a young woman to unimaginable torment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following her thyroid surgery. In a state of semi-consciousness, the victim endured unimaginable suffering until she bravely confided in her husband, who promptly helped her file a formal complaint. This horrific incident occurred in March of last year, leaving a profound impact on the victim’s life.

As demands for justice amplify, it is imperative that an immediate re-investigation in the medical college molestation case takes place, addressing the disconcerting discrepancies within the medical report. The truth must prevail, restoring faith in our criminal justice system and ensuring a safe environment for all.

Kozhikode: Atijeevitha demands a re-investigation in the medical college molestation case. The woman filed a complaint with the City Police Commissioner pointing out that the medical report did not include what she said in the statement.

The woman’s complaint says that she got a copy of the medical report the other day and only then did she realize that many of the things she said were not in it. Atihivita also claimed that an attempt was being made to save the accused in the case.

K. Saseendron, a native of Vadakara and a hospital worker, tried to torture the young woman who was in a semi-conscious state in the ICU after thyroid surgery. The young woman later disclosed the information to her husband. A complaint was then filed. The incident happened last March.

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