
Authorities Allocates $2 Million to IAEA for Nuclear Safety Threats Response: Worldwide Collaboration in Focus


Got here in2024.05.22 17:06
Edit2024.05.22 17:06

The federal government gives $2 million to the IAEA to ‘reply to nuclear safety threats’ The Ministry of International Affairs mentioned that Second Vice Minister Kang In-seon met with US Deputy Power Secretary David Turk on the event of attending the 4th Worldwide Convention. on Nuclear Security’ held in Vienna, Austria, and mentioned nuclear security and nuclear power. It was introduced on the twenty second that plans for collaboration within the subject had been being mentioned. In a gathering held on the twenty first (native time), either side evaluated that the 2 international locations are actively cooperating within the subject of nuclear safety and determined to proceed discussing methods to increase cooperation.

Vice Minister Kang and Deputy Minister Turk are co-chairmen of the ‘Excessive Stage Committee on Nuclear Power’ (HLBC), a everlasting consultative physique within the nuclear subject between Korea and the USA.

The 2 sides are additionally anticipated to have exchanged views on the difficulties when it comes to nuclear cooperation between the 2 international locations as a result of authorized dispute between Korea Hydro & Nuclear Energy and Westinghouse, an American nuclear energy plant firm. On the twentieth, Vice Minister Kang additionally met with Andrew Bowie, Britain’s Deputy Minister for Power, Safety and Carbon Neutrality.

Each side agreed to enhance cooperation in areas akin to nuclear gas, nuclear energy trade, and small modular reactor (SMR).

Vice Minister Kang additionally had separate conferences with representatives of main worldwide organizations. He met with IAEA Secretary Normal Rafael Grossi on the twenty first and evaluated that the ‘Korea-IAEA Fukushima Info Mechanism’ associated to the monitoring of contaminated water discharges from Fukushima, Japan, is working successfully and requested the Secretary Normal’s cooperation to make sure that. Korean consultants proceed to take part within the IAEA monitoring mechanism.

Additionally, on the twentieth, he met Robert Floyd, Secretary Normal of the Complete Nuclear-Check-Ban Group (CTBTO), and requested CTBTO to reply shortly and cooperate with the South Korean authorities if North Korea conducts extra nuclear checks.

In the meantime, in his keynote speech on the Worldwide Convention on Nuclear Safety, Vice Minister Kang mentioned, “Korea will proceed to take part within the worldwide neighborhood’s efforts to strengthen nuclear safety to forestall nuclear terrorism,” and pledged $2 million (KRW 27 million) to the IAEA to reply to future nuclear safety threats He introduced that he would supply help price tons of of hundreds of thousands of cash. Vice Minister Kang additionally emphasised that Korea will actively take part in discussions on agenda objects akin to ▲ help for the security and safety of nuclear energy vegetation in Ukraine, ▲ cooperation in creating worldwide schooling and coaching applications, and ▲ nuclear safety which related to SMR. (small modular reactors).

The three-day occasion beginning on the twentieth is the best degree assembly within the subject of worldwide nuclear safety. /pleased information

#Vice #Secretary #International #Affairs #meets #Deputy #Secretary #Power.. #Talk about #nuclear #cooperation #intensive