
“Azalea” Opera: A Masterpiece of Revolutionary Historical Themes and Artistic Expression

Author: Wang Jingyi (Dean of School of Arts, Zhejiang Normal University)

The original national opera “Azalea” (composed by Zhang Qianyi, screenwriter by Yu Rongjun) is adapted from Li Xintian’s novel “Sparkling Red Star”, and also quotes “Red Star Song”, “Azalea” and “Red Star Shines on Me” from the film of the same name. Go Fight” three songs. The play takes the audience back to the Central Soviet Zone after the strategic move of the Red Army’s Long March in 1934, showing the indomitable fighting spirit of the soldiers and civilians in the Soviet area led by the Party against the Kuomintang reactionaries. In the glorious revolutionary history, the work focuses on the description of family affection and vividly expresses the love between mother and child. It has become a “tear point” which captures people’s hearts and allows the audience to feel the literary and artistic artistic with revolutionary historical themes in the familiar red melody.

“Azalea” holds file photos

“Azalea” is an opera with eight scenes, preceded by an overture and then an epilogue. The opera has a total of 20 pieces of music, including solos, duets, duets, choruses and instrumental sections. These musical structural pieces of different types and natures are equal in length, relaxed and well matched, showing the best plan of a national opera under the premise of “separate scenes and music” and with lines. In addition to the three songs in the film “Sparkling Red Star”, the musical materials used in the opera “Azalea” also include the songs “Ten Sends to the Red Army”, “A Soldier Must Be a Red Army”, also as Jiangxi folk songs (such as “Turtle Dove Tune”) and Jiangxi Tea collection opera, music, etc. Composer Zhang Qianyi managed to knead these different types of music materials together to form a strong musical drama tension, showing his ability to control dramatic music. For example, “Aiya Le” in the Hakka folk song from southern Jiangxi is used as musical material (“Core Motivational Vocabulary”) or as a cultural symbol (“Voice of Faith”) throughout the play, becoming the main musical material that in the thread of the thread. .

The play’s 8-minute long banqiang structure aria, Dongzi’s mother’s “swan song” before her generous death – the 19th song “Light, the brighter and brighter you turn”, has become a historical theme revolutionary from this national drama The climax of the opera. In this aria, Dong Zima expresses her best wishes to the Red Army, her son, her husband, her fellow villagers, and the revolution on the Long March. It shows her noble character as a communist warrior and revolutionary hero willing to die., doctrinal spirit. The use of Da Changban melody arias not only enriches the image of Dong Zima, but also revives the form of opera music that has been weakened or banished in most ethnic operas for a period of time, allowing for the audience to re-appreciate Ban’s tunes arias artistic expression.

The success of this opera’s music is also reflected in the appropriate portrayal of the characters. For example, the 14th song “Rice Boiled by Sweet Potatoes” (sung by Wu Xiuzhu and the guerrillas) in the fifth scene is written using the tones of the Jiangxi folk song “Turtle Dove Tune”, which shows full of the optimistic and cheerful spirit. of the revolutionary warriors. . This is just like “This Battle Was Well-Fought” in the opera “Red Guards of Honghu”, which is full of a strong spirit of revolutionary optimism and is an important “bridge” in stage performances with revolutionary historical themes. Another example is the 6th and 18th songs (A) of the third and eighth scenes (A) “King Thousand-Year King and Ten Thousand-Year Turtle” (sung by Hu Hansan and the Returning Home Troupe ) and the 8th song “Don’t Blame Me” in the third scene. “Be Cruel and Ruthless” (singing a song by Hu Hansan and the Returning Troupe) vividly depicts the artistic image of the villain Hu Hansan and the Returning Troupe. These two arias not only use the gongs and drums of the opera, but also draw on the performance style of the “Heitou” opera, which reflects the growth and support of Chinese opera on national opera. In addition, the chorus and orchestral music of the play are also extremely full and rich, and have strong dramatic tension. Especially the 4th song in the first scene, “Farewel i Berthnasau” and the 5th song in the second scene (B), “A Bamboo Rod Is Easy to Bend.” The first shows the heroic spirit of the Red Army soldiers when the Long March began, while the latter showed the persistence of the Red Army in the Soviet area after the Long March The guerrillas and the revolutionary force have a strong revolutionary will and their unparalleled trust in the party and the Red Army.

Creating an excellent opera requires not only an excellent composer, but also a good screenwriter, a good director, a production team and a good production organization. As a production unit that organizes creation and performance, the National Performing Arts Center has experience in creating many original operas, and has the experience of successfully collaborating with Zhang Qianyi to launch two “serious opera” style works. “Orchid Flower” and “Youth Song”, which laid the foundation for the creation and practice of “Azalea”. Screenwriter Yu Rongjun, director Hu Zongqi, conductor Zhang Guoyong and other units such as stage design, costumes, lighting, sound, props, body shape, and sound effects have formed a strong professional creative team. In addition, Lei Jia and Wang Zhe, who plays Dongzi’s mother, and Wang Hongwei, who plays Pan Xingyi, not only have profound vocal singing skills, but also have rich stage performance experience, and has starred in operas with similar and even similar themes. The cast team is very powerful.

The national opera “Azalea” is another national opera with revolutionary historical themes launched in the new era. It not only reflects the strong contemporary characteristics, but also chooses banqiang arias firmly, and also brings the relationship between national operas and Chinese operas more closely. is the latest achievement of the breakthrough development of Chinese national opera in the new era.

“Guangming Daily” (page 16, February 7, 2024)

责编:徐皓 ]

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