
Azerbaijan now controls 4 Armenian villages

4 villages that previously belonged to Armenia are actually administered by Azerbaijan. It will implement an settlement between the warring international locations.

Azerbaijan has taken management of 4 abandoned villages within the Gazakh district on the border with Armenia as a part of a border settlement with Armenia. This was introduced by Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafaev on Friday. The returned space covers 6.5 sq. kilometres. He’s now beneath the surveillance of the Azerbaijan Border Service.

Armenia introduced in April that it could return the abandoned villages to Azerbaijan. The villages are strategically related to Armenia as they’re positioned on an essential route between the capital Yerevan and the Georgian border.

Protests after declaration of return

Either side had described the border settlement as a milestone on the street to a peace settlement within the greater than 30-year-old battle between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s choice at hand over the 4 villages has sparked protests inside his personal nation.

In an handle to the nation late Friday night time, Panshinyan stated that the aim of all Armenians is to behave in order that “a sovereign and democratic Armenia with established borders turns into a nationwide ideology and idea.”

Armenia suffered a bitter defeat final September when Azerbaijani troops took management of Nagorno-Karabakh in a lightning assault. The estimated 100,000 ethnic Armenians within the area then fled to Armenia.