
Balancing Fame, Love, and Independence: The Life of Chompoo Araya

It can be called the current life of a young star. Chompoo Araya Happy, perfectly balanced, and have a stable job. There is a warm and lovely family here. Especially her husband, Not Wisarut, who has been married for the 9th year and is still madly in love, Also, their 3 children, Saifah-Payu and Nong Gale, are loved and adored by their brothers and older sisters. Lots of fans

Although it seems that Chompoo’s life seems comfortable, no matter how rich her husband is, But today she still goes to work. Doing business to keep money in your pocket. Because Chompoo sees that

“..Have financial independence If we have to rely too much on men There will be no respect for each other. Ok..we want someone to take care of us and support us, right? Because everyone wants to be comfortable, but if we have to rely on them in a way that is indispensable. See that the relationship will never last.”

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