
‘Battle against breast cancer’ Seo Jung-hee reveals before shaving, “The day Dong-ju took a picture”

Broadcaster Seo Jung-hee revealed her before shaved look.

Seo Jeong-hee posted a picture on Instagram on the 17th with the caption, “Photo work with Dong-ju. The day Dong-ju took the photo. My love, my daughter. The last of my hair.”

In the photo, Seo Jung-hee is wearing a hat and smiling brightly.

Seo Jung-hee, wearing a white hat and a white outfit, is showing off her fashion sense and attracts attention.

Seo Jeong-hee said, “I saw what others did not see, received love from my daughter that others did not receive, and made me realize what others did not know. He expressed his love for his daughter.

Seo Jung-hee revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in April. She revealed that Seo Jung-hee appeared on her daughter Seo Dong-ju’s YouTube channel on her last three days and she said she “fell out a handful every time I touched her hair,” she said, after suffering side effects after chemotherapy.

[김소연 스타투데이 기자]

photo| Seo Jeong-hee SNS

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