
Beijing cracks down on pension fraud and spares no effort to protect the “pension money” of the elderly – Xinhua

Source title: Beijing cracks down on pension fraud and spares no effort to protect the “pension money” of the elderly

China News Service, Beijing, July 19. In April this year, a half-year special campaign to crack down on pension fraud was officially launched. The reporter learned from the Beijing Special Action Office for Combating and Remediating Pension Fraud that Beijing severely cracked down on pension fraud in accordance with the law, forming a high-pressure situation, and making every effort to recover the stolen goods and restore the losses.

Forming a high-pressure situation

In April of this year, Beijing formulated the “Beijing Special Action Plan for Combating and Remediating Elderly Fraud”. Under the leading group of the Municipal Party Committee’s Ping An Beijing Construction, a city-wide special action office for fighting and rectifying pension fraud was established, covering Internet information, courts, procuratorates, public security, and civil affairs. , market, finance and other member units, with 4 working groups. Each member unit and each district set up a special action leadership organization, issued a detailed implementation plan, and promoted the implementation of various tasks.

Among them, relevant member units have carried out in-depth law enforcement inspections and hidden problems investigations. The hidden dangers of fraud mainly involve the fields of “food” and “health products” related to the elderly, elderly care services, and illegal fund-raising related to the elderly. Strengthen hierarchical and classified handling, establish a ledger for related problems and hidden dangers, study and determine risk levels one by one, and timely do a good job of risk warning, supervision and rectification.

Intensify the pursuit and prosecution

The phenomenon of pension fraud gangs is common, and there is a corresponding black and gray industry. The procuratorial organs in Beijing give full play to the advantages of the integration of arrest and prosecution, adhere to the whole chain of review to guide the investigation, intervene in key cases in advance, seize the golden period of “after arrest and before prosecution”, increase the intensity of arrest and prosecution, and focus on the whole chain to combat upstream and downstream connections crime. Since the special action, more than 60 ledger cases have been sorted out.

In the case of Gao Moumou and others suspected of fraud, which was handled by the Dongcheng District People’s Procuratorate of Beijing, four auction fraud companies headed by Gao Moumou were destroyed, and 13 people were successfully arrested and 1 person was prosecuted. In the process of sorting out the flow of fraudulent funds, the procuratorial organ found one clue to the crime of “black eating black”, and the supervision and investigation organ filed a case to supervise one person.

All-out recovery

Recovery of assets and losses is an important aspect of testing the effectiveness of special operations. All units of Beijing Municipal Law actively cooperate with civil affairs, market supervision, banking and insurance supervision and other departments to maximize the recovery of economic losses for the victims.

Dongcheng Court set up a special class for “trial + enforcement”, and worked together to establish a notification system for the recovery and disposal of property involved in the case, striving to identify the property ownership situation as soon as possible at the front end of the litigation, clarify the specific judgment items, and improve the enforceability of judgment documents. A joint meeting of professional judges was held to unify the enforcement standards for criminal judgments involving economic crimes involving the public, and to build consensus on the work of criminal judges and enforcement judges. Improve the working mechanism for the connection between trial, filing, enforcement, and receipt of cases, so that special cases can be filed on the same day after they are transferred for prosecution, and on the same day after the transfer is executed.

Chaoyang Court will cooperate with the enforcement department in advance for the pending pension fraud cases to ensure that the enforcement effect will not be compromised after the conclusion of the case. Minimize the economic losses of the victims and maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.

Build a strong fortress of deception and deception

In order to continuously enhance the people’s ability to identify and prevent fraud, Beijing coordinated traditional media and online new media at the urban and urban levels, and adopted the form of printing and distributing brochures, posting slogans, hanging banners, etc., and carried out all-round special campaigns. A total of 3,454 publicity activities were carried out. , printed and distributed more than 680,000 paper brochures, published 5,888 publicity works online, and received 30.03 million clicks and forwards.

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau gave full play to the function of “deputy secretary in police uniform”, and went to key places such as communities, parks, and squares, and carried out more than 730 safety prevention publicity activities through forums, interviews, lectures, etc., and put up posters, banners, More than 14,000 pieces (pieces) of slogans, etc., and more than 110,000 mobile phone prevention reminder text messages. Relying on the “Safe Beijing” new media matrix of public security and government affairs, more than 540 publicity works such as typical cases, articles on legal popularization, and safety tips were published, which effectively enhanced the public’s awareness and ability of safety precautions.

The procuratorial organs in Beijing took advantage of key periods such as Anti-Fraud Propaganda Month and Illegal Fund Raising Propaganda Month to focus on two key cases of fund-raising fraud and health-care product fraud.

In addition, in terms of new media propaganda, courts at all levels in Beijing have set up propaganda columns on the “Two Wechat and One End” platform to continuously carry out legal popularization publicity. There are more than 150 publicity works such as articles and promotional videos, and strive to create a social atmosphere of “everyone prevents deception and knows deception”.