
Benefits of Gastroscopy for Gastric Cancer Screening

Gastroscopy for cancer screening

Gastric cancer is quite common in Hong Kong There were 1,306 new cases and 631 deaths in 2021 alone. This is the sixth fatal cancer in Hong Kong, and its incidence rate increases with age. However, some conditions that can lead to carcinogenesis can be avoided if detected early, and elimination of Helicobacter pylori infection is particularly important.

There are no obvious symptoms of gastric cancer in the early stage. Until ascites, swelling, and weight loss appear, the disease may have reached an advanced stage. Data shows that approximately 60% of cases are in stage IV when they require treatment, and among those classified as advanced stage IV disease, the survival rate is only 3-4 months. There are not many treatment options for advanced gastric cancer. In addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, although targeted therapy is available, only 20% of patients are suitable for this treatment. Even immunotherapy, which has become popular in recent years, is not suitable for every patient.

Taking the initiative to eliminate various high-risk risks is the best way to deal with gastric cancer, and Helicobacter pylori infection is one of them. One in two people in Hong Kong are said to be infected with this bacteria which lurks in our stomach and duodenum, if left unchecked, over time it can develop into gastric cancer.

To reduce damage to the stomach, in addition to undergoing blood tests and insufflation tests, we encourage the public to undergo gastroscopy regularly. Take Japan and South Korea for example. The incidence of gastric cancer is very high in both countries, so the government requires citizens to undergo gastroscopy every two years. As a result, 20% to 30% of gastric cancer cases are identified

Gastroscopy involves looking at the patient’s esophagus and stomach through an endoscope and extracting tissue for pathology testing. In addition to helping evaluate bacterial infections, it can also evaluate for the presence of intestinal metaplasia, acid reflux, and potential lesions such as gastric cancer ulcers. If you have the above risk factors, you may want to consult your doctor and arrange relevant tests as soon as possible.

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