
Bernia offered a abstract of the Paris talks to the Battle Council tonight

06:32 PM

Sunday, Might 26, 2024


The Israeli Broadcasting Authority reported that David Barnia, the top of the Israeli intelligence company (Mossad), will current to the Battle Council this night a abstract of his talks in Paris on the discharge of prisoners.

Yesterday, Saturday, US Central Intelligence Company (CIA) Director William Burns mentioned the trade deal in a gathering with Qatar’s Prime Minister and International Minister and Mossad chief Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, based on the Axios web site.

Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, citing sources, stated the talks in Paris had been very profitable and agreed to maneuver ahead with trade talks.

“We do not need the talks to achieve an deadlock, as a result of time is of the essence for the prisoners,” the Hebrew newspaper added, citing the supply.

American web site Axios, citing an Israeli official, stated the Mossad director returned to Israel after assembly in Paris with CIA Director William Burns and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.

The Israeli official added that Burns had agreed to renew prisoner talks with the Mossad director and Qatar’s prime minister, noting that the three sides had negotiated a components in Paris to permit talks to renew for the discharge of the prisoners.

He confirmed that it had been determined to renew talks subsequent week based on a brand new proposal brokered by the Egyptians and Qataris.
