
Boost Your Metabolism with These 5 Tips!

There are probably many people who are disappointed in their fate. And I envy people who, no matter how much they eat, don’t gain weight. You also don’t have to be tired from physical activity. They definitely have a good metabolism. But for some people, eat a little and you’ll gain weight, and if you exercise, you won’t lose weight. It could be a sign of this Our metabolism is broken! But do not worry. We have a way to boost your metabolism like your doctor recommends!

5 tips to boost your metabolism!

  • Breakfast is an important meal, don’t skip it.!

Breakfast is very important because if you skip breakfast,

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The body’s metabolism slows and the brain releases a chemical called Neuropeptide Y. Y), which signals you are hungry and want to eat more without realizing it. Additionally, they may not be able to concentrate on work. Because the brain has no glucose from food to nourish itself. It also makes you want more dessert. The weight will increase easily.

Focus on foods that contain lean protein such as chicken, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, etc. because proteins take longer to digest than starchy foods. It therefore helps you feel full for longer. Suitable for people who want to control their weight.

  • Combine weight training with cardio.

Cardio exercises such as brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming or dancing help burn fat. But it has to be at a level that makes the heart beat at a certain speed to keep the blood pumping. The body uses fat. And it should include weight training to strengthen muscles and also increase the rate of energy metabolism. (Metabolism) Cardio alone cannot stimulate this reaction as much as weight training.

One hour before exercise, you should eat foods with a high glycemic index or simple carbohydrates such as bread, sweet fruits such as watermelon, bananas and syrup because they are easily digestible. The body can use it immediately.

You should avoid foods high in fiber or protein, such as wholemeal breads and various meats, because they provide energy slowly. It is best consumed with regular meals.

  • Add L-carnitine

L-carnitine will help increase the process of extracting fats to burn as energy in the body. The most common sources of L-carnitine are found in meat, milk, avocado and nuts.

  • Sleeping is very important, it helps a lot.!

Normally, the body has a biological clock system. which controls the secretion of the hormone To maintain the body’s performance and control the sleep-wake (night-day) cycle, the best time to sleep is between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm, which is the time in which the immune system works well. and build up energy reserves to repair worn parts. Going to bed early will help you avoid feeling hungry late at night. And the body secretes the hormone leptin (Leptin), which is a hormone that makes you feel full. Increases metabolic rate to work better. This will help you control your body weight.

Is it more effective to exercise in the morning or in the evening?

  • Drink water properly!

A study conducted by researchers at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. The State of Virginia (Blacksburg, Virginia) states that people who drink 8-ounce glasses of water 8 to 12 times a day have a higher metabolic rate than people who drink only 4 times. Drinking water helps your digestive system flow smoothly. and comfortable Or sipping green tea along with diet and exercise will also help increase the rate of energy metabolism.

You can see that the above tips are almost all related to daily life. Therefore, you should adjust your diet, exercise and sleep more to ensure good health outcomes. Target weight You also have a very good metabolism!

Thanks for the information from: Bangkok Hospital
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