
Brian Linsen Talks About His Journey to Urawa Reds and Missed Opportunity to Play with Genki Haraguchi

Photo by Brian Linsen: Getty Images

Urawa Reds striker Brian Linsen was on the bench and did not play the FIFA Club World Cup match against Club Leon held on the 15th of this month. Before the match, in an interview with his home country’s media, he looked back on the events before his move to Urawa, and also revealed that he had a chance to become a teammate of the former Japan national team midfielder Genki Haraguchi.

Linsen moved between clubs in the Netherlands, including VVV Venlo and Vitesse, before moving from Vitesse to Feyenoord in the summer of 2020. After scoring 13 goals in the Dutch First Division in the 2021/22 season, he ended the season he is permanently transferred to Urawa.

With Urawa’s participation in the Club World Cup increasing attention from abroad, Linsen gave an interview to Dutch media Voetbal. He left the following comments regarding the process that led to his move to Urawa.

“I’ve always wanted to go abroad. The first places that come to mind abroad are Germany, England and Spain. Maybe I could have gone to Germany. Union Berlin… Vitesse were trying to sign me, but at the time I decided to do it. move to Feyenoord, which I never regretted. Then suddenly I got an offer from Japan.”

“At that time Bernard Scheitemann called my agent. He was a scout for Feyenoord and Urawa and wanted to bring me to Urawa. But he knew very little about Japan.”

“Before going to Japan, I called Peter Bosz (current manager of PSV Eindhoven) and he said: ‘Don’t think, act now.’ Urawa is a great club and Japan is fantastic.” , “In Japan, you didn’t lock your car. Even if you left the key in the key, you could go out the next morning.”

Rinsen decided to move to Urawa on the advice of his boss, who played for JEF United Ichihara (currently JEF United Ichihara Chiba). However, if he had moved to Union in the summer of 2020, it seems possible that he would have played with Haraguchi from the 2021/22 season.

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