
Broadcaster Hong Jin-kyung Warns Against SNS Impersonation: Urges Caution to Prevent Harm

Broadcaster Hong Jin-kyung Warns Against Impersonation on Social Media

Renowned broadcaster and successful businessman Hong Jin-kyung has issued a cautious reminder to netizens about the dangers of impersonation on social media platforms. On the 12th, Hong took to her official social media accounts to express concern over fake accounts pretending to be her. She emphasized, “An individual has impersonated my account and posted fraudulent content. I would like to clarify that I do not use Facebook, and any posts claiming to be from me on that platform are false.”

Hong Jin-kyung went on to share evidence of the deceptive Facebook account, which included a profile picture featuring her name and face. This alarming incident prompted the broadcaster to raise awareness and alert her followers about the potential risks posed by such impersonations.

Impersonator Disseminates False Information

The imposter further propagated misleading information by falsely claiming, “In 2015, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and I went through an extremely challenging time.” Desperately seeking financial assistance for his mother’s treatment, the impersonator deceitfully asserted that he had made substantial profits by investing in stocks. In an attempt to entice others, the fraudulent account also advertised the creation of the “Hong Jin-kyung Department of Economics.” Offering free lectures by renowned economists and professional investors in Korea, the fraudster invited individuals interested in learning about investments to participate by providing a participation link.

Caution Urged to Protect Social Media Users

Expressing her concern over the potential harm that can be caused by individuals falling prey to such fake accounts, Hong Jin-kyung sincerely advised the public to exercise caution. The broadcaster strongly emphasized the need to verify any profiles claiming to be hers to prevent further harm.

By bringing attention to this issue, Hong Jin-kyung aims to safeguard the integrity of her online presence and protect her followers from falling victim to deceptive tactics.

(Source: SBS Entertainment News, Reporter Kang Seon-ae)

Broadcaster and businessman Hong Jin-kyung urged caution against impersonation on SNS.

On the 12th, Hong Jin-kyung posted a post on her official SNS account, asking people to be careful of accounts impersonating her, saying, “Someone impersonated my account and posted a ridiculous post. I don’t use Facebook . It’s not me. .”

The Facebook impersonation account that Hong Jin-kyung released has a photo captured along with the text Hong Jin-kyung’s name and face on the profile.

Offline – SBS News

The impersonator mistakenly wrote, “In 2015, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and I was going through a very difficult time.” He said he didn’t have enough money to pay for his mother’s treatment at the time, but he did a lot. of money by investing in stocks.

The impersonator then encouraged participation by saying, “We have recently opened the ‘Hong Jin-kyung Department of Economics’. We also give free lectures by inviting famous economists and professional investors in Korea, so anyone who wants to learn about investing can take part.” At the same time, a participation link was added.

Someone who believes the impersonator is the real Hong Jin-kyung can click the link. Hong Jin-kyung directly urged caution to prevent anyone from being harmed by fake SNS accounts impersonating him.

(SBS Entertainment News Reporter Kang Seon-ae)

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