
Broadcaster Lee Ji-hyun Gives Update on Family and Reflects on Past Challenges

Lee Ji-hyun Opens Up About Her Family’s Current Status

By Xports News Reporter Lee Hyo-ban

Renowned broadcaster Lee Ji-hyun recently provided an update on her family during an interview on the ‘Recent Olympics’ YouTube channel. In a video titled ‘Mum training as a hairdresser, current status of son who has become a nerd,’ she shared insights into the lives of her children.

Ji-hyun Lee discussed the growth and development of her daughter, who was born in 2013, and her son, born in 2015. She revealed that her daughter has reached puberty and how her son has been mediating this stage of their lives, highlighting the dynamics of their family.

Speaking about her son’s academic achievements, Lee proudly mentioned that her son, Woo-kyung, is excelling in math and has even participated in a national math competition as a second-year student, winning the grand prize against third-year students. She added that he is preparing for the finals with other grand prize winners from across the country.

Additionally, Lee expressed her admiration for her daughter, acknowledging her as a trustworthy and opinionated individual. She shared how talking to her daughter during difficult times rejuvenates her, underscoring the strong bond they share.

Reflecting on past television appearances, Lee also opened up about the challenges she faced as a parent, particularly when dealing with negative comments directed at her children. She expressed gratitude for the impact of these experiences, emphasizing the significant turning point it has been for her son, Woo-kyung.

Throughout the discussion, Lee displayed humility and self-reflection, acknowledging her own faults and expressing regret for any shortcomings in her parenting. She also addressed the prejudice and stereotypes that her son faces as a bright and healthy young individual, urging for a more accepting and inclusive approach towards “golden children.”

The interview shed light on the personal experiences and family dynamics of the renowned broadcaster, providing valuable insights into her life beyond the public eye.

Photo = YouTube channel video capture ‘Latest Olympics’

Correspondent Lee Hyo-ban

(Xports News Reporter Lee Hyo-ban) Lee Ji-hyun gave an update on herself and her family.

On the 24th, on the ‘Recent Olympics’ YouTube channel, ‘[이지현을 만나다] Divorced twice, child support 0 won for 10 years… A video titled ‘Mum training as a hairdresser, current status of son who has become a nerd’ was released. Broadcaster Lee Ji-hyun appeared in the video.

On this day, Jihyun Lee revealed the current status of her daughter and son. The daughter was born in 2013, and the son in 2015.

Jihyun Lee said that her daughter has reached puberty and that her son is mediating this. “It’s time for (the girl) to express her own opinion to her mother, so now Woo-kyung mediates.”

He said, “Instead, if a problem arises between the three of us, Woo-kyung solves it all,” and “Woo-kyung’s mother is the best right now.” He aroused admiration by saying that he was crying and praying that if his mother was in pain a little bit, he would be sick instead of his mother, and if he died instead of his mother dying, he would be allowed. to die himself.

In response, Ji-Hyeon Lee admitted that she thought, ‘This guy still only has his mother,’ and that she felt, ‘He really still loves his mother.’

My son is doing well at school. Lee Ji-hyun, who explained that “Woo-kyung is good at math,” said boasting, “He’s a second-year student, but he participated in the math competition as a third-year student representative and won the grand prize. ” They are now preparing for the finals with third year students from all over the country who won the grand prize.

Ji-Hyeon Lee said her teenage daughter is also a trustworthy person. “Although she is opinionated at times, my eldest daughter has already become a reliable one.” He expressed his affection by saying that he misses his daughter when things are hard outside and that talking on the phone with her gives him a surge of energy.

Lee Ji-hyun then recalled the time when she appeared on Channel A ‘Parenting These Days – My Baby Like Gold’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Golden Child’). Jihyun Lee appeared on the program in February and March last year.

“First of all, it was very difficult when I appeared on ‘Gold Side’,” he said, admitting that while he was fine with his own malicious comments, he could not see the malicious comments directed at his child.

She then expressed her gratitude, saying, “I think it’s a big turning point for Woo-kyung,” telling Dr. can’t do it.

Lee Ji-hyeon said, “I should have done it, but I think it was my fault as a parent,” and showed reflection, saying, “Since I couldn’t do that, Woo-kyung ended up like that .” It was completely my fault, what could be wrong with the child?

He expressed regret that while his son is currently growing up to be a bright, healthy and very upright child, “there are mothers who look at him with colored glasses and have a prejudice against ‘golden people’.”

Photo = YouTube channel video capture ‘Latest Olympics’

Correspondent Lee Hyo-ban

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