
Buttock injections and arm injections…why are they different?

The reason why the injection site is different such as skin, blood vessel and muscle

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After Corona 19, people who were unwilling to get an injection were forced to get a vaccine vaccine. I was vaccinated at least 2 times and at most 4 times, and more people are getting flu shots in preparation for the flu epidemic.

One of the questions I get from frequent injections is the area where the injection is given. I wonder why vaccinations, including the Corona 19 vaccine, are only given to the arm. Normally, I imagine sticking my head out when getting an injection in a hospital, but a vaccination is completely different.

Injections are prescribed to speed up the effects of the medication. It is sometimes prescribed when taking medication by mouth does not work. The injection sites include the skin, blood vessels, and muscles. The rate at which the drug is absorbed is fastest in blood vessels. Then muscle, then skin.

Depending on where the drug is injected, an intradermal injection where a small amount is injected between the epidermis and the dermis, a subcutaneous injection in the subcutaneous fat beneath the dermis, an intramuscular injection in the arm muscle or r buttocks, intravenous injection and arterial injection directly into the blood vessel divided into etc.

An intradermal injection is used to inject vaccines, serum, and drug solutions between the dermis. It is mainly used to examine local skin reactions or local reactions to the skin. It is an injection method used for diagnosis and prevention of disease, not treatment, and is usually placed on the inside of the arm or on the outside of the upper arm.

Insulin, a drug for treating diabetes, is usually given by injection because it is digested in the stomach when taken orally. The method of insulin administration is by subcutaneous injection. Subcutaneous injections are absorbed more quickly than oral drugs, do not interfere with digestive juices, and do not burden the liver. Some hemostatic agents, vitamins, and cardiotonic agents are also administered by subcutaneous injection.

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A buttock injection is an intramuscular injection. Absorption is rapid because muscles have many blood vessels. The injection is usually given on the outside of the buttock, but sometimes it is given on the outside of the upper arm. The impact is faster when it hits the thigh than the arm. If you press down after an injection, absorption will be better. The reason why doctors and nurses ask you to relax when having an intramuscular injection is that it is difficult to insert the needle when the muscles are stiff. When a muscle is stiff, it hurts more than when it isn’t.

Both the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine are intramuscular injections, but the reason they are given in the arm rather than the thigh is to vaccinate many people quickly. In order to install it on the thigh, it takes a lot of time to lower and raise the bottom, and a wider space is needed because the lower part needs to be exposed (?). The time and space cost is higher than the cost of the arm.

It is an intravenous injection that is given into a vein on the back of the hand, the wrist, or the inside of the elbow. In the case of intravenous injection, the drug reaches the necessary tissues of the body through the heart within 1 to 2 minutes, so the effect is fast and the response is certain. However, because the drug enters the body suddenly, if it is too strong or does not suit the body, the condition may not be good. In extreme cases, it can even lead to death. An arterial injection is a direct injection of drugs into an artery and is used in special cases such as malignant tumor treatment.