
Channel A’s ‘Techno Goliath’ Hongman Choi Opens Up About His Struggles with Malicious Comments and Seclusion

Channel A’s ‘Techno Goliath’ Hongman Choi reveals his experience of being hurt by malicious comments in the past.

In Channel A’s ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Centre’, which airs at 8:10pm on the 20th, Choi Hong-man meets Dr. Oh Eun-young and admits his worries.

On this day’s broadcast, Choi Hong-man reveals his worries about living in seclusion for five years on Jeju Island because he is afraid of people’s attention. He admits that he started avoiding people because he was still hurt by them.

Dr Eunyoung O, who heard this, explains that there are two reasons why people usually avoid others. The first is when you do not have the energy to exchange energy with others due to poor physical condition. Choi Hong-man explains that because he gets attention for his height, it can be difficult because he uses more energy.

Hongman Choi sympathizes with this and admits that sometimes he can’t remember what happened when he’s too nervous. He remembers that once, when trying to use public transport, he saw a large crowd of people and was so nervous that he hit his head on the subway door and bled.

After hearing this, Dr. In response, Choi Hong-man explains that he could not rely on his family because he worked out in a foreign country at a young age, and he responded that it was difficult for him to go on family trips because of his impressive appearance, causing distress. .

Next, Dr. Eunyoung Oh about betrayal or receiving malicious comments as the second reason for avoidance and asked, “Of all the malicious comments you have received so far, which one has hurt you the most?” Choi Hong-man then explains that when he was dating publicly, many negative comments were directed at his girlfriend, and he admits that he is still hurt by the harsh comments directed at recognize it.

In particular, Choi Hong-man revealed that this was the first time he spoke on air, and he also talked about ‘the incident of Choi Hong’s man attacking a woman’, which was controversial in the past. Although he was innocent, he complained that people seemed to focus more on gossip than on the truth. He is also upset that there are still people who ask, “Did you really hit the woman?”

In response to this, Dr. However, since avoiding it is the same as calling yourself weak, he advises that you need to deal with it in a different way. Expectations are rising for this broadcast to see what Dr.’s special answer will be. Oh Eun-young for Choi Hong-man.

‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’ is broadcast every Tuesday at 8:10pm on Channel A.

(Seoul = News 1)

  • sad sad image
  • I’m angry. I’m angry.

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