
Chiang Saen district has ordered the closure of all Sa Ngo houses. Do not enter and exit from 5-18 November to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Thairath Online

5 Nov 2021 10:18 a.m.

Illustration from the news file

Chiang Saen District Deputy Order to close the village of Sa Ngo, Village No. 7, Sri Don Mun sub-district, prohibit entry and exit after 48 cases of COVID-19 were found, and 75 risk groups were quarantined from 5-18 November.

Yesterday evening (November 4), reporters reported that Mr. Anek Pantayom, Deputy District Officer, Special Administrative Officer. Acting on behalf of Chiang Saen Sheriff, Chiang Saen Province, Head of the Chiang Saen District Disease Control Operations Center made a book as quickly as possible to the governor of Chiang Rai that With the emergence of the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Ban Sa Ngo area, Village No. 7, Sri Don Mun Subdistrict, Chiang Saen District, Chiang Rai Province, 48 infected people were found to be in the collection and at risk groups. High that the communicable disease control officer Issued a quarantine order for 75 people and the Chiang Saen District Disease Control Operations Center (Prof. Chiang Saen) has assessed the situation and it is likely that more infected people may be found.

In order to effectively control the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 Therefore, the report asked for approval from the Chiang Rai Communicable Disease Committee to consider closing the entire village of Ban Sa Ngo. and prohibiting anyone from entering and leaving the village from 5-18 November 2021

Mr. Anek revealed that from checking and monitoring the situation of COVID-19 in the village of Sa Ngo There are 15 new cases of infections every day. As of Nov. 3, there are 12 more infections. Today, almost 50 people have been infected. The total number of infected people is about 700. The village of Sa Ngo has a population of about 700 people. Approximately 150 cases of needle 1 and needle 2 vaccinations have been received, leaving about 400 people in the criteria that need to be vaccinated today (November 5). and the Sor. go to the village of Sa-ngo To perform ATK testing for villagers in the whole village If an infection is found, it will be isolated for treatment. If the infection is not found and the person has not been vaccinated will be vaccinated with astrazeneca (AstraZeneca) immediately

Mr Anek also said that if vaccinating the entire village of Sa Ngo villagers and proceed to close the entrance It is believed that the infection will definitely decrease. Because Ban Sa Ngo is an Akha ethnic village. And is a famous tourist attraction of Chiang Rai. That tourists are popular to sleep on Doi Sa Ngo. to experience the beautiful mist at sunrise in the morning “But I can assure you that Chiang Saen Prof. is working proactively. The infection is reduced and can be controlled. Doi Sa Ngo will definitely come back to pick up tourists soon,” said the senior permanent secretary.

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