
Chinese ‘AI Spy’ Exposed: Technological Conflicts and Industry Espionage in the AI Sector


Entered 2024.03.09 14:21 Modified 2024.03.09 15:28

[조아라의 IT’s fun] 57
Chinese ‘AI spy’ revealed 3 days after leaving Google
Take it out if you have to… Signing Apple’s confidentiality agreement is ‘useless’

Photo = News 1 “You can copy Google Computing and upgrade it.”

Google developer Ding Linwei (38) said this at an investment briefing held in Beijing, China on November 24 last year, saying, “I have experience with a computing platform with a 10,000-page computing capacity at Google.” About a month later, on December 26, Mr. Ding Google in the US and became the founder and CEO of an artificial intelligence (AI) startup in China. After he left Google, the company was turned upside down. This is because circumstances were discovered where a large amount of AI technology, which can be considered a company asset, was stolen.

“How dare you steal this?”… Google was shocked

Google headquarters in Manhattan, New York, USA. Photo = Yonhap News According to the industry on the 9th, in the midst of the sudden technological conflict between the United States and China, technology leaks to China are happening one after another. The US Department of Justice arrested Chinese developer Ding Lindui at his home in Newark, California on the 6th (local time). He was accused of stealing Google’s AI trade secrets

Google was suspicious of Mr. Ding after he left the company. Afterward, Google officials confirmed that Mr. Ding had attended an investor meeting as CEO of the Chinese AI startup before leaving the company. When reviewing the company’s network activity logs, Google found traces of it stealing data without authorization. Last January, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) searched and seized Mr. Ding’s home and electronic devices. An additional search warrant was also executed on his personal account, which contained more than 500 files of confidential information he had stolen from Google. Mr. Ding is responsible for designing and maintaining Google’s large-scale AI supercomputer data system. As a result of the investigation, it was determined that it contained information about hardware infrastructure corresponding to the platform and ‘blueprint’ that Google’s supercomputing data center uses to train large AI models through machine learning.Indictment of former Google employees. Image = US Department of Justice Website According to the indictment, Ding, who was hired by Google in 2019, bypassed the detection system and leaked data containing trade secrets to his personal account between May 2022 and May last year. As well as leaking technology, he also secretly had ‘simultaneous perspective’. He received a monthly salary, bonuses, and stocks worth $14,800 (about 20 million won) from an information technology (IT) company headquartered in China.

Separately, he secretly founded a Chinese startup. It’s like having a ‘nest’ to stay in after leaving the company. Google didn’t know this. Ding had other employees use his badge to enter the office to make it look like he was working for Google in the US when he was actually staying in China. If Ding is found guilty, he could face up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 (about 330 million won). “It shows how eager those with ties to Chinese companies are to steal American innovation,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement.

Take it out if you have to… Signing Apple’s confidentiality agreement is ‘useless’

Estimated Apple car image from Apple fan page. Photo = Apple Hub This is not the first case of a Chinese developer leaking technology from an American IT company. In May last year, former Apple engineer Wang was accused of leaking technology, almost five years after he fled to China. He is known to have stolen Apple’s self-driving car technology and landed a job at a Chinese company. Mr. joined. Wang joined Apple as a member of the self-driving development team in March 2016 and signed a confidentiality agreement. After that, Mr. Wang left Apple in April 2018, and it was discovered that the new company he was working for was developing self-driving cars in China. When authorities seized and analyzed his electronic devices, it was revealed that Mr. Wang has stored a large amount of Apple data related to self-driving cars. Mr Wang fled to China on the day of the search and seizure. Mr Jang, who worked at Apple at the same time as Mr Wang, was also indicted on charges of leaking technology. Mr Jang has been responsible for the design and testing of autonomous vehicle circuit boards for three years since 2015. Before submitting his resignation letter to Apple, he was arrested at the airport after being found downloading a file containing confidential information in the autonomous driving sector. Level 4 driverless taxis have already been introduced in China in August 2022. Video = Baidu As technology that determines national competitiveness continues to trickle out, the US government is moving to strengthen its crackdown on crimes that related to AI. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, vice president of the US Department of Justice, said the department would consider a company’s ability to manage the risks of AI technology whenever it evaluates a company’s compliance program. The charge was made a day after the indictment of Ding, the former Google developer who leaked the technology. “All new technologies are double-edged swords, but AI is probably the sharpest,” Monaco said, warning that tougher penalties would be imposed on individuals and companies.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland also stressed, “The Department of Justice will not tolerate the theft of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that could endanger national security.” The general view in the industry is that China is rapidly closing the technology gap in the field of AI. According to the ‘ICT Technology Level Survey Report’ of the Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute, the technology gap between the US and China has decreased from 2.3 years in 2016 to 0.8 years in 2021. Given the current atmosphere, it is assumed that the the gap will have narrowed further. In fact, Australian think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) assessed in a report last year that “China is ahead of the United States in 37 out of 44 core technological research areas.” The explanation is that China effectively leads the way in key research areas such as AI, robotics, biotechnology, quantum technology, and especially space-related technology.

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